Economic Crisis | featured news

Mass Unemployment Escalates

Rising unemployment in Europe and the U.S. invites instability.


Few Bright Spots in Fed Report

Almost every industry and almost every part of country in dire economic condition, report shows.


China to the rescue

Investors have largely panned the stimulus package that President Obama signed into law last month. But stimulus in China? Now that's a different story.


U.S. private sector bleeds jobs, services slump deepens

U.S. private companies hemorrhaged nearly 700,000 jobs in February and the service sector slump deepened as the year-old recession showed little sign of abating, according to data released on Wednesday.


Brown to Urge Faith in Free Markets

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is to strike a decidedly anti-protectionist note in an address to Congress, telling lawmakers that the "major challenges we all face are global."


As Ireland Melts Down, Voter Anger Rises

The financial crisis and a series of scandals has Irish workers fuming -- and likely to take it out on the government.


Economy prolongs some marriages, ends others

Economy prolongs some marriages, ends others

Breaking up is hard to do -- perhaps even more so during a recession.


Bernanke urges bold action to avoid lengthy slump

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Tuesday urged bold action action to pull the economy out of a deepening slump, even if it means a surge in U.S. government debt.


Hard times a boon for libraries

Hard times a boon for libraries

Rebecca Hodges, who's been unemployed for a year, sat down at a computer in a public library in New York.


U.S. economy shrank at faster rate in fourth quarter

The U.S. economy suffered its deepest contraction since early 1982 in the fourth quarter, shrinking at a much worse-than-expected 6.2 percent annual rate as exports plunged and consumers slashed spending.


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