Economic Stimulus | featured news

WSJ: Stimulus Created Or Saved About 30000 Jobs

About 30000 jobs have been directly created or saved by contractors who received money from the federal stimulus program, according to new reports today. The reports cover only a small portion of the $787 billion package: spending ...


White House: U.S. Has Avoided Depression - Obama Ventures to Indiana in Defense of Stimulus

White House: U.S. Has Avoided Depression - Obama Ventures to Indiana in Defense of Stimulus

A White House spokesman said Wednesday that the United States has avoided falling off an economic cliff, citing as evidence a new report showing factory orders rose in June for the fourth time in five months, an unexpected gain and the latest sign that the ailing manufacturing sector is recovering.


Obama calls for deeper U.S.-Chinese ties

U.S. and Chinese officials began grappling on Monday with how and when to withdraw the huge economic stimulus spending each has applied and to put in place measures to promote steadier long-term growth.


China's GDP Growth Accelerates on Stimulus

China's government has turned its economy around far faster than most thought possible, as officials said Thursday that growth accelerated to 7.9% in the second quarter.


Obama dismisses notion the U.S. will need a second stimulus

Obama dismisses notion the U.S. will need a second stimulus

President Obama on Saturday dismissed the idea the nation might need a second stimulus to jolt the economy out of recession and ...


Geithner: Stimulus Working, Derivatives Blindsided Government

Geithner: Stimulus Working, Derivatives Blindsided Government

WASHINGTON — Despite persistently high unemployment, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Friday the Obama administration's economic stimulus plan is on the "expected path."

"There's been substantial improvements in arresting what was the worst recession globally we've seen in generations," Geithner told lawmakers Friday.


Economists Oppose More Stimulus

Most economists in the Journal's forecasting survey said the U.S. doesn't need another round of stimulus, despite expectations of severe job losses.


Stimulus Slow to Take Hold

As jobless rate climbs, White House scrambles to reassure public Obama's plan is on right track.


Democrats divided on second stimulus

Democrats are all over the map on the stimulus and the possibility of a sequel.


Biden: ‘We misread how bad the economy was’

Vice President Joe Biden said the Obama administration "misread how bad the economy was" but stands by its stimulus package and believes the plan will create more jobs as the pace of its spending picks up.


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