Economic Stimulus | featured news

$787b stimulus bill approved

$787b stimulus bill approved

Less than one month after President Obama took office, Congress last night passed his flagship proposal, an unprecedented collection of tax cuts and new spending that Democrats say offers the country its best hope to stave off an impending depression.


Stimulus Plan Sets New Limits on Executive Pay

A provision buried in the stimulus bill would impose restrictions on executive bonuses at companies reaping bailout money.


Lawmakers Nearing Final Votes on Stimulus Bill

Congressional leaders hope to send the nearly $790 billion economic stimulus package to Obama to sign into law by his Presidents' Day deadline.


House and Senate negotiators reach deal on stimulus bill

House and Senate negotiators reach deal on stimulus bill

The plan is budgeted at $789 billion, which is smaller that original bills passed by each chamber. It could be sent to President Obama for his signature by the end of the week.

House and Senate negotiators have struck a deal on a final version of a sweeping economic recovery package.


Geithner Faces More Criticism From Congress

Geithner acknowledged the government's missteps in dealing with the financial crisis, but he warned that unprecedented intervention is needed.


Democratic Negotiators Trim Stimulus Price Tag

Democratic Negotiators Trim Stimulus Price Tag

House, Senate leaders scale plan down to $789.5B, a net reduction of almost $40B from what the Senate approved yesterday, senior adviser says.


Senate Approves Stimulus Plan

Senate Approves Stimulus Plan

After a 61-to-37 vote that was largely along party lines, negotiations with the House over the $838 billion bill will begin.


Obama to push stimulus in rally, news conference

Obama to push stimulus in rally, news conference

Chafing over congressional delays, an energized President Barack Obama on Monday rallies supporters in Indiana and addresses his first presidential news conference in a new drive for passage of an $800 billion economic recovery plan.


Financial Rescue Gets Overhaul

Obama's new Treasury chief favors aggressive use of all available tools to bolster the U.S. economy.


Obama defends economic stimulus

Obama defends economic stimulus

The US president defends his economic stimulus plan as "absolutely necessary", and urges Congress to approve it quickly.


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