Economic Stimulus | featured news

Americans saving more, spending modestly

Americans saving more, spending modestly

Households pushed their savings rate to the highest level in more than 15 years in May amid a big boost in incomes from the government's stimulus program.


Confidence slipping in Obama economy rescue: poll

Confidence slipping in Obama economy rescue: poll

Fewer Americans believe that President Barack Obama's stimulus package will restore the nation to economic health compared to two months ago but most still approve of the job the president is doing, according to a new poll published on Monday.


The $787 Billion Mistake

That's the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Current economic indicators suggest that our economic crisis will hit bottom soon and that the U.S. will be poised for economic recovery. There are many signs pointing to an economy that shows significant signs of improvement.


Obama speeds projects to create, save 600,000 jobs

Obama speeds projects to create, save 600,000 jobs

President Barack Obama said on Monday he expected to create or save 600,000 jobs over the next 100 days by expediting 10 major projects funded by a huge stimulus package that Congress passed in February.


Why China's Stimulus Plan Will Change the World

Get ready for a stronger, more independent China.


U.S. stimulus to save 3.5 million jobs by end 2010: official

The Obama administration's fiscal stimulus plan will meet previous estimates to save 3.5 million U.S. jobs by the end of 2010, but the unemployment rate at that time may be higher due to further deterioration in the economy, a senior administration official said on Monday.


EU Leader: U.S. Economy On Road "To Hell"

EU Leader: U.S. Economy On Road

The current head of the European Union presidency on Wednesday warned that the U.S. economic rescue plans were, "a way to hell." However, his personal record in the field of economic leadership is very much up for debate.


Geithner Says Private Sector Needs Financing

Geithner said the U.S. must provide significant amounts of financing to the private sector to restart financial markets.


Fed to Buy $1 Trillion in Securities to Aid Economy

The Fed dramatically increased the amount of money it will create out of thin air to thaw frozen credit markets.


Biden: Officials must 'get it right' on stimulus

The vice president says when it comes to spending money from the $787 billion economic stimulus package, 'I'll show up in your city, and tell you it was a stupid idea.'


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