Military | featured news

U.S. military moves in Asia not aimed at China: Gates

U.S. military efforts to strengthen its presence in Asia are not aimed at countering China, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Sunday, ahead of talks on deepening defense ties with regional ally Australia.


Gates: Let gays in military; Marine chief: don't

Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he hopes the outgoing Congress will approve legislation ending the military's ban on gays but was unsure of the prospects for success.


Shooting reported at U.S. Coast Guard recruiting office

A Coast Guard recruiting office in Virginia was damaged by apparent gunfire overnight, and authorities said on Tuesday they were investigating whether the incident was related to a recent spate of shootings at other military buildings close to the capital.


U.S. forces say up to 24 dead in Iraq church attack

The U.S. military in Iraq said on Sunday that up to 24 people were killed in a church hostage taking incident in Baghdad, including up to 10 hostages.


China’s Fast Rise Leads Neighbors to Join Forces

China’s Fast Rise Leads Neighbors to Join Forces

China’s military expansion and assertive trade policies have set off jitters across Asia, prompting many of its neighbors to build alliances.


Document: Iranians got hikers in Iraq

Document: Iranians got hikers in Iraq

A classified U.S. military document appears to lend credence to claims that Iran crossed the Iraqi border to arrest three American hikers.


The Lede: ‘Stealth’ Nuclear Submarine Stuck in the Mud

A British “stealth” submarine is stuck in the mud just yards off of the coast of Scotland.


Appeals court keeps military gay policy for now

A federal appeals court on Wednesday temporarily granted the U.S. government's request for a freeze on a judge's order requiring the military to allow openly gay troops.


U.S. announces $60 billion arms sale for Saudi Arabia

U.S. announces $60 billion arms sale for Saudi Arabia

The United States plans to sell up to $60 billion worth of military aircraft to Saudi Arabia, the State Department announced on Wednesday in a move designed to shore up a region overshadowed by Iran.


Troops discharged for being gay try to re-enlist

Troops discharged for being gay try to re-enlist

At least three service members discharged for being gay have begun the process to re-enlist after the Pentagon directed the military to accept openly gay recruits for the first time in the nation s history.


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