Mitt Romney | featured news

With charts and charm, Paul Ryan aims to steady a shaken ticket

Trailing in the must-win state of Ohio, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney asked his running mate Paul Ryan to meet him here this week. After 24 days apart, Romney and Ryan reunited on an airport tarmac on Tuesday amid grumbling from some Republicans that the campaign has grown complacent, leaving Ryan, its strongest advocate, off the national stage.


Romney Health Care Plan Nearly Doubles Family Insurance Costs: Study

Mitt Romney

Under Romney’s proposed health care plan, American families buying non-group health insurance would pay nearly double what they pay under Obamacare, according to a new study by Families USA entitled "ObamaCare versus RomneyCare versus RomneyCandidateCare." That includes both comparative insurance premium payments as well as out-of-pocket expenses.


Sept. 27: The Impact of the '47 Percent'

After a secretly recorded videotape was released on Sept. 17 showing Mitt Romney making unflattering comments about the “47 percent” of Americans who he said had become dependent on government benefits, I suggested on Twitter that the political impact of the comments could easily be overstated.


President Obama, Mitt Romney court veterans in Virginia

Mitt Romney was in Virginia on Thursday to do what he has been trying to do a lot lately: reach voters in places where he had hoped to be faring better by now. On this day, his targets were military veterans and active-duty service members, a once-reliably Republican group that recent polls show to be closely split between the two candidates.


White House slams Republicans over terrorism 'point scoring'

The White House Thursday accused Republicans of using the deaths of four Americans in Libya for political gain as questions mount about the administration's evolving account of the attack. White House spokesman Jay Carney hit back in a row sparked by complaints by presidential candidate Mitt Romney and other Republicans that top officials have been unwilling to categorize the killings as terrorism.


The Caucus: Before a Single Debate, Iowans Start Voting for President

Early Voting in Iowa

A month before the closing arguments of a campaign traditionally would be made, a steady stream of voters walked into election offices across Iowa on Thursday to cast their ballots.


Obama the cage fighter and Romney the delicate puncher

The "Romney for president" folks keep promising a new, supercharged phase of the campaign that will launch their stalled candidate on a trajectory straight to the White House.

Senh: It's a good summary of some of the recent attack ads.


Gallup: Obama at critical 50% mark

Barack Obama

President Obama's job approval rating and level of voter support have reached the critical 50% point, according to Gallup, but there is still plenty of opportunity for the White House race to fluctuate. Gallup says Obama's job approval rating stands at 51%. At the same time, the president leads Mitt Romney 50%-44% among registered voters in the daily tracking poll -- similar to where the race stood after the Democratic convention this month.

Senh: The bad news just keeps on piling up for Romney.


Romney Ad Stresses Compassion for Poor

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney stepped up his efforts to repair the damage from his “47 percent” comments, trying to reassure voters that he cares about the poor and middle class.

Senh: Mitt Romney, you shouldn't have doubled down on the 47% comment last week.


Among some Paul Ryan backers, disappointment at Romney campaign trajectory

Conservatives had hoped that Mitt Romney’s choice of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (Wis.) as his running mate would make Romney act more like Ryan — bold, specific, confident.


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