Science | featured news

Warm and fuzzy T. rex? New evidence surprises


The discovery of a giant meat-eating dinosaur sporting a downy coat has some scientists reimagining the look of Tyrannosaurus rex....

Senh: The T-Rex doesn't look as cool with feathers.


CO2 'drove end to last ice age'

CO2 Ended Ice Age

New research provides compelling evidence that the last ice age was ended by a rise in temperature driven by an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide.


IBM Tackles Big Bang Mysteries

A telescope so massive that it spans a continent won't be any better than a pair of binoculars unless you can find a way to carry and sift through its data.


How conservatives lost faith in science

Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: An analysis of 36 years' worth of polling data indicates that political conservatives have become increasingly distrustful of science. But why?


Doctors find clue in quest to predict heart attack

California scientists are hunting ways to predict who's about to have a heart attack, and they say they've found a key clue....


Earth's Early Atmosphere Similiar to Saturn's Moon

Two-and-a-half billion years ago, the Earth's atmosphere was rich in hydrocarbons, similar to Saturn's moon, Titan. Before Earth's atmosphere ditched methane and began accumulating oxygen, though, our planet appears to have cycled back and forth every few million years between the two states years a hydrocarbon haze and clear skies. A sunlight-blocking haze most certainly affected the evolution of microbes that depend on light to photosynthesise and contributed to the delay before the final oxygenation of the atmosphere.


Not so fast: Second experiment refutes faster-than-light particles

Albert Einstein

Anyone who bet against Einstein better get out their wallet. That’s because those supposedly faster-than-light particles that shook up the world of physics last September are now looking a lot slower.


Europe still keen on Mars missions

Mars Mission

Member state delegations to the European Space Agency reiterated their desire to press ahead with missions to Mars in 2016 and 2018.


New frog species spotted in NYC


Scientists say they have found a new species of frog living in heavily-populated urban areas of New York.


S.Korean, Russian Scientists Bid to Clone Mammoth

Wooly Mammoths

Russian and South Korean scientists have signed a deal on joint research intended to recreate a woolly mammoth, an animal which last walked the earth some 10,000 years ago.


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