Science | featured news

Scientists say they're closing in on elusive Higgs boson

Higgs Boson

Physicists investigating the make-up of the universe said on Wednesday they were closing in on the long-sought but elusive Higgs boson they believe was key to turning debris from the Big Bang into stars, planets and finally life.


Report: Women have rare egg-producing stem cells


For 60 years, doctors have believed women were born with all the eggs they'll ever have. Now, Harvard scientists are challenging that dogma.


New Life, From an Arctic Flower That Died 32,000 Years Ago

Arctic Plant

A living plant has been generated from the fruit of a little arctic flower, making it the oldest plant by far that has ever been grown from ancient tissue.


Physicists Create a Working Transistor From a Single Atom


The team of scientists say their achievement lays the groundwork for quantum computing, which would involve technology much smaller and faster than is currently possible.


Swiss craft janitor satellites to grab space junk

Janitor Satellite

The tidy Swiss want to clean up space. Swiss scientists said Wednesday they plan to launch a "janitor satellite" specially designed to get rid of space junk, the orbiting debris that can do serious and costly damage to valuable satellites or even manned space ships.


Falling in love is all in our brains

This Valentine’s Day, as our collective thoughts shift to tender cards, heart-shaped chocolates, overpriced bouquets and other extravagant gestures of love, I can’t help but wonder what really attracts us to one mate over another. Is it hot sex? Fairy-tale romance? Destiny? Or are we merely at the beck and call of our hormones and brain circuitry?


Two Earth-Size Planets Born of Battered "Jupiter"?

A pair of Earth-size worlds orbiting a dying star may be the fractured remnants of a single Jupiter-like gas giant, a new study says.


Russian scientists reach lake under Antarctica

Antarctica Lake

After more than two decades of drilling in Antarctica, Russian scientists have reached the surface of a gigantic freshwater lake hidden under miles of ice for some 20 million years — a lake that may hold life from the distant past and clues to the search for life on other planets.


Scientists puzzled by region outside solar system

A glimpse beyond our solar system reveals the neighborhood just outside the sun's influence is different and stranger than expected, scientists reported Tuesday....


Nasa study solves case of Earth's 'missing energy'

Earth's Missing Energy

Two years ago, scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., released a study claiming that inconsistencies between satellite observations of Earth's heat and measurements of ocean heating amounted to evidence of "missing energy" in the planet's system.


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