Space | featured news

Space junk threatening space station, 3 residents

Space junk threatening space station, 3 residents

A small piece of space junk drifted dangerously close to the International Space Station on Tuesday, prompting NASA to order the three astronauts to seek shelter in their attached capsule....


Richard Hoover, NASA Scientist, Claims Extraterrestrial Life Evidence Found In Meteorites

Evidence that there is life from beyond Earth has allegedly come hurtling through the sky.


Discovery departs space station with a message from Capt. Kirk

Discovery, the world's most traveled spaceship, left the International Space Station on Monday for the last time, getting a dramatic send-off by the dozen orbiting astronauts as well as "Star Trek's" original Capt. Kirk.


Discovery astronauts kick off first spacewalk

Discovery astronauts kick off first spacewalk

Discovery astronauts Stephen Bowen and Al Drew ventured outside the International Space Station today while the original lead spacewalker for ...


NASA: Space Shuttle Discovery Is Ready for Thursday Launch

NASA's shuttle Discovery is fit as a fiddle for its planned launch tomorrow (Feb. 24), setting the stage for the spacecraft's final trip to the International Space Station, space agency ...


New Mexico’s Bet on Space Tourism Hits Economic Snag

New Mexico’s Bet on Space Tourism Hits Economic Snag

Gov. Susana Martinez has vowed to privatize Spaceport America, saying taxpayers have already paid their fair share.


Cosmic Log: Hidden universes revealed

Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: Is it preposterous to consider the existence of parallel universes? Or is it preposterous not to? Physicist Brian Greene would tend toward the latter view.


Space tourism jet work continues

The European project to develop a space plane to take fare-paying passengers above the atmosphere is still very much alive, says EADS Astrium.


Methane on Mars: Now you don't...

Towards the end of 2011 a large and hugely expensive robotic rover called Curiosity is due to blast off for Mars from Cape Canaveral. If it makes it safely to the planet’s surface in August 2012 one of the first things it will do is sniff the air. Its creators, back on Earth, will be straining to see if that air carries a whiff of methane.


Astronomers Find First Evidence Of Other Universes

Astronomers Find First Evidence Of Other Universes

Our cosmos was "bruised" in collisions with other universes. Now astronomers have found the first evidence of these impacts in the cosmic microwave background.


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