Space | featured news

Scientists: UV rays make water in space

European scientists say they've figured out the recipe for water in space: Just add starlight.


NASA Narrows Target for Asteroid Mission

NASA may appear to have its pick of thousands of known asteroids for a manned mission, but only two are good targets within the next 20 years. An asteroid mission requires a large-enough destination that astronauts could reach within a few months of launch from Earth, says Lindley Johnson, head of NASA's Near-Earth Object program in Washington. Other limits to such an ambitious undertaking include the viewing range of ground-based telescopes.

Senh: Let's give Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck a call.


Jupiter and the moon take over the night

Jupiter and the moon take over the night

After Venus sets, it's Jupiter that takes over for the rest of the night, outshining everything in the night sky but the moon.


New Study Finds the Moon Is Shrinking

New Study Finds the Moon Is Shrinking

The moon is shrinking ever so slightly, but there is no cause for alarm, according to a new study that has discovered a clutch of previously unseen faults on the lunar surface from photos taken by a NASA probe.


Asteroid found in space graveyard

Asteroid found in space graveyard

Astronomers have discovered a new Trojan asteroid in a space graveyard near Neptune


Solar Tsunami to Strike Earth

Solar Tsunami to Strike Earth

Earth braces for cosmic tsunami Tuesday night as tons of plasma from massive solar flare heads directly toward the planet ...


Rare find: Failed star circling sun-like star

A rare sun-like star that is both young and relatively close to Earth has been found to be harboring an even weirder object - a failed star locked in a close orbit around its host, according to a new study.


Anybody out there? 140 'Earths' found

Scientists celebrated Sunday after finding more than 700 suspected new planets -- including up to 140 similar in size to Earth -- in just six weeks of using a powerful new space observatory.

Senh: I almost thought this had something to do with Twitter.


Probe sends detailed asteroid images

Probe sends detailed asteroid images

A European space probe headed toward its next target Sunday after sending back detailed images of an asteroid that scientists hope will increase understanding of how the solar system evolved.


Obama plan to land on asteroid may be unrealistic for 2025

Obama plan to land on asteroid may be unrealistic for 2025

Millions of miles from Earth, two astronauts hover weightlessly next to a giant space rock, selecting pebbles for scientific research. The spaceship ...


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