Barack Obama, Congress | featured news

After crime, punishment awaits ex-Gov. Blagojevich

Rod Blagojevich was clearly the ringleader of the schemes for which he was convicted, a federal judge said Tuesday at the sentencing hearing for the ousted Illinois governor on corruption charges that include trying to sell or trade an appointment to President Barack Obama's former Senate seat....


Senate approves jobs benefits for veterans

Senate approves jobs benefits for veterans

A united Senate emphatically approved legislation Thursday intended to help unemployed veterans and companies doing business with the government, endorsing a measure that includes the first small slice of President Barack Obama's jobs plan that is likely to become law....

Senh: Good timing. Finally, something congress can agree on.


Occupy Protesters Plan March From New York To D.C.

Occupy Protesters Plan March From New York To D.C.

Occupy Wall Street is going on the road – a two-week walk to Washington. A small group of activists plans to leave Manhattan's Zuccotti Park at noon Wednesday and arrive by the Nov. 23 deadline for a congressional committee to decide whether to keep President Barack Obama's extension of Bush-era tax cuts. Protesters say the cuts benefit only rich Americans.

Senh: It doesn't look good. Barack Obama has already pulled the millionaires' tax on his jobs plan to get the Republicans to pass it. Let's see if the Occupy movement can make a difference.


Boehner: Relations with Obama getting a 'little frosty'

Boehner: Relations with Obama getting a 'little frosty'

House Speaker John Boehner says things have gotten a little "frosty" with President Obama in recent weeks, but he still hopes their parties can work together as Congress prepares to confront the federal debt problem. "The president and I have a pretty good relationship," Boehner said on ABC's This Week With Christiane Amanpour. "You know, it's been little frosty here the last few weeks. But we've got a pretty good relationship."


Senate Democrats offer veterans jobs bill, without millionaire's surtax

Senate Democrats offer veterans jobs bill, without millionaire's surtax

Senate Democrats proposed Friday tax incentives for businesses hiring veterans as well as job training for all service members leaving the military. The measure was unveiled as the next piece in President Obama's jobs bill and as a remedy to unemployment among veterans.


Senate GOP blocks Obama infrastructure plan

Senate GOP blocks Obama infrastructure plan

Republicans in the Senate Thursday dealt President Barack Obama the third in a string of defeats on his stimulus-style jobs agenda, blocking a $60 billion measure for building and repairing infrastructure like roads and rail lines.

Senh: Republicans are just blocking everything - "The Committee of NO." What can a president do in a hostile situation like this?


Obama executive order targets drug shortages

President Obama Monday is pushing drug makers and federal regulators to do more to address dangerous shortages of critical medicines, sidestepping a deadlocked Congress that has not moved legislation to help patients suffering from deadly illnesses.


Obama cites income gap to push jobs bill

President Barack Obama is using a new report on the income gap between the richest Americans and everyone else to continue pushing for passage of his stalled $447 billion jobs bill.

Senh: There's nothing much here that we haven't already seen in previous articles, but it's a good summary of what has happened with the jobs bill so far. What I'm wondering is if it makes much of a difference for Barack Obama to go out and promote his job plan when Republicans are so opposed to it. People can't vote on this, it's up the lawmakers in congress to pass it.


Obama signs two more jobs-related orders

Obama signs two more jobs-related orders

President Obama signed two more executive memorandums today, saying they will help employment at a time when congressional Republicans are blocking his $447 billion jobs bill.

Senh: The two executive orders seem kinda minor - speeding up federal R&D projects to the marketplace and a site listing federal programs for businesses looking to export jobs. was embarassing, so let's hope there's more thought and better execution on the new orders.


Senate rejects big piece of Obama jobs bill

Senate rejects big piece of Obama jobs bill

President Barack Obama and his allies in the Senate promise to press ahead with separate votes on pieces of his failed $447 billion jobs measure despite unanimous opposition from Republicans. But there also are signs of slippage among Democrats and evidence the strategy isn't working with voters....

Senh: So Republicans unanimously oppose hiring more teachers, policemen, and firefighters, saying that local governments might misuse the money. Let's see if they'll oppose improving our infrastructure - road and bridges.


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