Barack Obama, Congress | featured news

White House puts Irene's federal cost at $1.5 billion

The price in disaster relief will further balloon a government account that already is a source of partisan friction between President Obama and Congress.


Congress returns, unpopular as well as divided

Congress returns, unpopular as well as divided

After a five-week break, Republican and Democratic leaders alike promise action to try and ease the country's 9.1 percent unemployment rate and boost an economy that is barely growing. President Barack Obama goes first on Thursday night with a speech to lawmakers and a prime-time national television audience.


After conflict, Obama to address Congress on September 8

After conflict, Obama to address Congress on September 8

President Barack Obama on Wednesday agreed to unveil new jobs proposals in an address to Congress on September 8, bowing to pressure from Republicans, who objected to the original date set for his high-profile speech.


Date debate: Boehner asks Obama to delay jobs speech

House Speaker John A. Boehner says Congress would be happy to hear President Obama's ideas for job creation, just not on the day he asked for.


Obama wants joint address to Congress

Obama wants joint address to Congress

President Barack Obama requested time Wednesday to deliver an economic address to a joint session of Congress on the evening of September 7 -- a prime-time platform to unveil his long-awaited jobs proposal.


Obama dares Republicans to block his coming jobs package

Obama dares Republicans to block his coming jobs package

After pledging to send a job-creation package to Congress next month and daring Republicans to block it, President Obama offered few specifics Tuesday about the form the plan might take as he stuck to a broad outline of how to improve the economy.


Stephen Colbert questions God's job performance

We're mad at Congress, mad at President Obama, mad at Wall Street. Can't anyone live up to their job description? What about God? How's His performance ...


Poll Shows Negative View of Tea Party on the Rise

Little more than a year ago, most Americans did not know enough about the Tea Party to have an opinion. Now, more people have opinions, and they are hardly positive. The latest on President Obama, the new Congress and other news from ...


Debt drama takes political toll on Obama

The president is the most visible symbol of what voters see as a badly dysfunctional government. Some Democrats say he could have negotiated better. Though he succeeded in staving off a historic default, President Obama emerges from the debt talks in a weakened political position with limited influence over a divided Congress.


Senate approves debt-ceiling increase; Obama to sign

Senate approves debt-ceiling increase; Obama to sign

The Senate gave final approval Tuesday to legislation to raise the nation's debt limit by $2.4 trillion while cutting federal deficits, sending President Obama a hard-fought bipartisan package he was expected to swiftly sign into law.


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