Barack Obama, Congress | featured news

Obama Adviser: Tea Party Demands Stalling Deal to Avert Gov't Shutdown

Obama Adviser: Tea Party Demands Stalling Deal to Avert Gov't Shutdown

Obama senior adviser David Plouffe accuses 30 Tea Party members in Congress of controlling the debate — whether over deficit reduction, taxes or more immediate items like funding for the government and disaster relief — both set to run out this week.'Fox News Sunday' Transcript: Plouffe Defends Obama's Deficit-Reduction PlanFull Coverage:


Obama plan would make small dent in jobless rate

Obama plan would make small dent in jobless rate

Even if Congress heeds President Barack Obama's demands to "pass this bill right away" and enacts his jobs and tax plan in its entirety, the unemployment rate probably still would hover in nosebleed territory for at least three more years.

Senh: I would be happy with a 0.5% dent in the unemployment rate. If this jobs bill can produce a 1% drop in unemployment, that's pretty good. What do people expect, that Obama can instantly flick a switch and get unemployment back to pre-recession levels. That's unreasonable. A little bit at a time and eventually, we'll recover from this economic crisis.


Republicans criticize tax on millionaires idea

Republican leaders on Sunday criticized President Barack Obama's proposal for a new tax on millionaires, calling it "class warfare" and predicting it will face heavy opposition in Congress.


Obama to propose "Buffett Tax" on millionaires

Obama to propose

President Barack Obama, in a populist step designed to appeal to voters, will propose a "Buffett Tax" on people making more than $1 million a year as part of his deficit recommendations to Congress on Monday.


Republican leaders oppose most of Obama's jobs plan

House Republican leaders came out against nearly all the major proposals in President Obama's $447 billion job-creation plan Friday, inluding ...


Obama to Congress: 'No games' on passing jobs bill

Obama to Congress: 'No games' on passing jobs bill

President Obama held up a newly printed copy of his $447 billion American Jobs Bill today at the White House and demanded that Congress "immediately" pass it "to put people back to work." "No games, no politics, no delays," Obama said during a Rose Garden ceremony featuring a variety of workers he said would benefit from the legislation. "I'm sending this bill to Congress today, and they ought to pass it immediately."


Obama to submit jobs plan Monday

President Barack Obama will take to the Rose Garden on Monday to make a pitch for his jobs creation plan and announce he is sending it to Congress later that evening, the White House said.


Stocks Drop Sharply Amid Uncertainty

Markets declined on Friday in the wake of President Obama’s jobs speech that added to the uncertainty already weighing on global markets over the euro zone.


Text of President Obama's address to Congress

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, and fellow Americans: Tonight we meet at an urgent time for our country. We continue to face an economic crisis that has left millions of our neighbors jobless, and a political crisis that has made things worse.


Obama unveiling $447-billion plan to jolt economy

Obama unveiling $447-billion plan to jolt economy

President Obama this evening rolls out a plan to inject $447 billion into the ailing economy through tax cuts aimed at working families and small businesses and spending to rebuild infrastructure, proposing a larger cash infusion than expected – and, perhaps, more than Congress will seriously consider.


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