Iran, Nuclear | featured news

Iran to reveal nuclear achievements

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Saturday that the nation will reveal "several major achievements in the nuclear domain" within days, state media reported.


Asia giants join Iran diplomacy as sanctions hurt trade

Nuclear Power Plants

China said on Friday it would send a senior official to Tehran to discuss Iran's nuclear standoff with the West, and India indicated it would also weigh in, as Asia's two giants seek to head off new sanctions already playing havoc with trade.


Report: Saudi Arabia to buy nukes if Iran tests A-bomb

Saudi Arabia

Saudia Arabia would move quickly to acquire nuclear weapons if Iran successfully tests an atomic bomb, according to a report. Citing an unidentified Saudi Arabian source, the Times newspaper in the U.K. (which operates behind a paywall) said that the kingdom would seek to buy ready-made warheads and also begin its own program to enrich weapons-grade uranium.


U.N. nuclear talks in Tehran: frustrated hopes

Iran Nuclear Disarmament

After two days of rare and intensive talks in Tehran, senior U.N. nuclear officials may have felt they were finally making headway towards getting Iran to address suspicions that it is bent on developing the ability to make atom bombs.


Panetta won't dispute report Israel may attack Iran

Leon Panetta

Panetta won't dispute a report that he believes Israel may attack Iran this spring in an attempt to set back Iran's nuclear program.


Exclusive: In major blow, EU agrees embargo on Iranian crude

Iran Oil Ban

European governments have agreed in principle to ban imports of Iranian oil, EU diplomats said on Wednesday, dealing a blow to Tehran that crowns new Western sanctions months before an Iranian election.


Iran warns U.S. to keep aircraft carrier out of Gulf

U.S. Aircraft Carrier

Iran warned the United States Tuesday not to return a U.S. aircraft carrier "to the Persian Gulf region." U.S. officials rejected the "warning" and another recent threat from Tehran that it could close the Strait of Hormuz. The White House and U.S. State Department called the latest threats signs that sanctions against Iran, the result of a standoff over its nuclear activities, are working.

Senh: It seems like Iran's always making empty threats towards U.S. and the rest of world who are against its nuclear ambitions. None of it is ever acted upon though - at least within the last couple of years. I guess it's good that there's no action in their end.


Iran doing final pre-start tests at nuclear plant

Iran doing final pre-start tests at nuclear plant

Iran is conducting final tests at its first nuclear power plant and it is expected to start generating electricity in the next two months, Iranian media said on Monday.


Iran agrees to 2011 talks, but urges West to drop sanctions

Iran agrees to 2011 talks, but urges West to drop sanctions

Iran and six world powers concluded talks Tuesday with an agreement to reconvene early next year, indicating Tehran may be willing to address ...


Iran nuclear right is non-negotiable: Ahmadinejad

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday that Iran s right to nuclear capabilities was non-negotiable, ahead of proposed talks with major world powers on its controversial atomic program.


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