Iran, Nuclear | featured news

Iran Begins Enriching Uranium

Iran said it has begun enriching some of its low-grade uranium for use in a medical-research reactor, brushing off fresh international threats of economic sanctions.


Defying the West, Iran's president orders hike in nuclear enrichment

Defying the West, Iran's president orders hike in nuclear enrichment

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tells his atomic energy chief to boost uranium enrichment from 3.5% to 20% as talks over a nuclear-fuel exchange sputter.


Iran announces launch of animals into space

Iran announces launch of animals into space

Iran announced the test-firing of a powerful rocket loaded with several live animals into space and unveiled a handful of other space technologies Wednesday, ahead of a nationalist holiday and amid heightened international concerns about Tehran's nuclear research and missile programs.


Iran promises revenge on U.S., Israel for professor's killing

Iran promises revenge on U.S., Israel for professor's killing

Iran said on Monday it would take revenge on its arch-foes Israel and the United States for the killing of an Iranian scientist last week, media reported.


Iran tests high-speed missile, warns internal opposition

Iran tests high-speed missile, warns internal opposition

The missile could easily reach Israel. Coupled with suspicions about Tehran's nuclear program, it stokes international concerns.


Gates warns Iran on sanctions

Iran risks increased international sanctions for failing to engage in talks on its nuclear ambitions.


Iran to review ties with countries over IAEA vote

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's parliament will review the Islamic republic's relations with countries that voted against its nuclear activities at the International Atomic Energy Agency last week, the speaker said on Thursday.


Iran to enrich uranium 'to 20%'

Iran to enrich uranium 'to 20%'

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the country will enrich its uranium to higher levels, despite pressure to stop.


Obama talks nuclear pursuits of Iran, N. Korea in S. Korea

Obama talks nuclear pursuits of Iran, N. Korea in S. Korea

President Obama said Thursday the United States has begun talking with allies about fresh punishment against Iran for defying ...


Iran revelation could mean more secret sites: IAEA

Iran's belated revelation of a second uranium enrichment site raises concern about possible further secret nuclear sites in the country, according to a U.N. nuclear watchdog report on Monday obtained by Reuters.


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