Barack Obama, War In Afghanistan | featured news

Obama confronts Nobel paradox

Obama confronts Nobel paradox

President accepts prize days after announcing plan to deploy 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.


NATO allies commit 7,000 more troops to Afghanistan

NATO allies commit 7,000 more troops to Afghanistan

NATO said on Friday 25 countries had pledged a total of around 7,000 more troops to support the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan, following President Barack Obama's commitment of 30,000 extra U.S. troops.


Obama to commit 34,000 troops

Obama to commit 34,000 troops

Officials say new deployments will bring total U.S. force in Afghanistan to more than 100,000.


Obama orders launch of Afghanistan strategy, prepares to address U.S.

After telling military leaders to put plans into action, the president calls world leaders to seek support. In Tuesday's West Point speech, he is expected to announce specific numbers on troop levels.


Obama to give primetime speech on Afghanistan

President Barack Obama will unveil his new strategy for the war in Afghanistan in an address to Americans on December 1, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said on Wednesday.


Obama promises to 'finish the job' in Afghanistan

Obama promises to 'finish the job' in Afghanistan

Signaling he's decided on new troop levels for the Afghanistan war, President Barack Obama said Tuesday he intends to "finish the job" on his watch and destroy terrorist networks in the region.


Obama Receives New Afghan Option

Obama Receives New Afghan Option

Obama will consider a new compromise plan for adding troops to Afghanistan that would deploy 30,000 to 35,000 new forces over the next year or more.


Obama seeks study for Afghan troop decision

To help gauge the need for more troops, he's asking for a detailed analysis of Afghan provinces to determine which are being managed effectively.


Rahm Emanuel: No Troop Escalation Until "Careful Assessment" Of Afghan Government

Rahm Emanuel: No Troop Escalation Until

President Barack Obama does not intend to decide about sending additional troops to Afghanistan until he is satisfied that the Kabul government can work effectively with the U.S., a top White House aide said Sunday.


Obama: Afghanistan decision in 'coming weeks'

President Barack Obama said his decision on the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan will be made in "the coming weeks." While military and security decisions will be an important element in that strategy, Obama said "another element is making sure we're doing a good job in building capacity on the civilian side."


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