Barack Obama, War In Afghanistan | featured news

Obama seeks advice on Afghanistan

Obama seeks advice on Afghanistan

Barack Obama prepares to meet senior advisers as the US marks eight years of military operations in Afghanistan.


Tensions rise over Afghanistan war strategy

As Obama's team works on its plans, McChrystal and other advisors are asked to keep the process more private. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Monday that President Obama's advisors should keep their guidance private, in effect admonishing the top commander in Afghanistan for publicly advocating an approach requiring more troops even as the White House reassesses its strategy.


Obama, McChrystal meet to review Afghanistan strategy

Obama, McChrystal meet to review Afghanistan strategy

The White House session yields no announcements. It comes as the top U.S. official at the U.N. mission in Afghanistan is dismissed in a dispute over the handling of Afghan vote fraud allegations.


U.S. Military Works to Jam Taliban Radio Stations, Web Sites

The Obama administration is starting a broad effort in Pakistan and Afghanistan to prevent the Taliban from using radio stations and Web sites to intimidate civilians and plan attacks, officials say.


Obama Unveils Plan to Defeat Taliban, al-Qaeda

Obama Unveils Plan to Defeat Taliban, al-Qaeda

President Obama this morning announced a new Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy that will require significantly higher levels of U.S. funding for both countries, with U.S. military expenses in Afghanistan alone increasing about 60 percent from the current toll of about $2 billion a month.


Obama to reveal Afghanistan, Pakistan strategy

President Obama plans to send another 4,000 troops to Afghanistan along with hundreds of civilian specialists in an effort to confront what he considers "the central challenge facing [that] country," senior administration officials said Thursday.


Obama ponders Afghan 'exit plan'

President Barack Obama says the US must have an "exit strategy" in Afghanistan, despite sending more troops there.


Poll: Most back Obama's troop plan for Afghanistan

Americans by 2-1 approve of President Obama's decision to send 17,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan despite skepticism ...


Obama Will Soon Unveil A Lofty U.S. Budget Plan

Ambitious budget seeks to cut deficit in half in 4 years, largely by raising taxes on businesses, the wealthy, cutting spending in Iraq, Afghanistan.


U.S. expects allies' commitment for Afghanistan: Gate

U.S. expects allies' commitment for Afghanistan: Gate

The Obama administration expects "significant new commitments" from allies on troops or civilian assistance for Afghanistan before an April summit, U.S.


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