China, Asia | featured news

Hong Kong Backs Down on China-Backed Education Plan After Protests

Chinese Brainwashing Curriculum

The Hong Kong government said on Saturday schools did not have to adopt a China-backed curriculum from 2015 in an apparent backdown following protests by tens of thousands of people who described it as an attempt to brainwash students.


China steps up earthquake rescue efforts; 80 dead

Rescue workers cleared roads Saturday so they could search for survivors and rush aid to a remote mountainous area of southwestern China after twin earthquakes killed at least 80 people....


Quakes in southwest China kill dozens, damage 20,000 homes

Earthquake in China

Two shallow 5.6 magnitude earthquakes hit mountainous southwestern China on Friday, killing at least 50 people and forcing tens of thousands of people from damaged buildings, state media said.


China to Spend $156 Billion on Infrastructure

China has approved an estimated $156 billion in new infrastructure projects in recent days, giving markets a boost, even as economists are fretting that the country is behind the curve in responding to the economic slowdown.


Wang Lijun, key figure in Bo Xilai scandal, charged in China

The Chinese government has charged Wang Lijun, a former provincial police chief who became embroiled in China’s biggest political scandal in decades, with taking bribes, defecting and abusing his power, the official Xinhua news agency reported Wednesday.


Clinton Seeks Chinese Accord on South China Sea

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is in Beijing to press Chinese authorities to agree to peacefully resolve disputes with their smaller neighbors over competing territorial claims in the South China Sea.


Clinton warns against coercion in S. China Sea dispute

China and its neighbors in Southeast Asia must move determinedly to draw up a code of conduct to help resolve disputes in the South China Sea, and should refrain from threats and coercion that have sent tension skyrocketing, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Monday.


China’s manufacturing sector shrinks

China’s manufacturing sector shrunk in August for the first time in nine months, according to government data released over the weekend, in yet another sign that the Chinese economy is slowing just as its leaders prepare for a delicate power transfer this fall.


Exclusive: China's Hu seeks clean power handover with ally's promotion - sources

China's outgoing President Hu Jintao is angling to promote one of his closest allies to the military's decision-making body, sources said, in a move that would allow him to maintain an influence over Beijing's most potent instrument of power.


Chinese tourists boost Taiwan’s economy

Taiwan Tourism

The sign inside the mausoleum of Chiang Kai-Shek tells visitors to “please bow or show your respects” to the general who fought a bloody civil war against Mao Zedong and then fled China for Taiwan, where he spent years plotting to retake the mainland from its Communist rulers.


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