War In Afghanistan, Afghanistan | featured news

Army discharging, demoting single mom who refused deployment

Army discharging, demoting single mom who refused deployment

A single-mom soldier who says she refused to deploy to Afghanistan because she had no family able to care for her young son will ...


Taliban, Marines Exchange Fire as Major Battle Looms

U.S. Marines and Taliban insurgents exchanged gunfire Thursday on the outskirts of Marjah, a southern militant stronghold where American and Afghan forces are expected to launch a major attack in the coming days.


U.S. Army closes in on Afghan town

U.S. Army closes in on Afghan town

U.S. Army soldiers launched a major operation Tuesday in support of a planned U.S.-Afghan attack on the largest Taliban-controlled town in southern Afghanistan.


U.S. faults command over Afghan ambush that killed 8

The U.S. military blamed "shortcomings in command oversight" and delays in closing a remote outpost in northeastern Afghanistan ...


U.S. commander offers more upbeat Afghanistan view

The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan said on Thursday the security situation there remained serious but was not deteriorating, giving a more upbeat view than from other U.S. military and intelligence officials.


Afghans prepare for NATO assault on Taliban enclave

CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan (Reuters) - The biggest military operation of U.S.


U.S. troop surge focuses attention on roadside bombs

U.S. troop surge focuses attention on roadside bombs

Explosive ordnance disposal troop commander Lt. Caroline Pollock squats by a culvert on a dusty training ground and looks at what appears to be a pile of harmless junk. A plastic jug. Some metal casing. Wiring. All the makings of deadly roadside bombs.


Obama seeks $33 billion for Afghanistan troop rise

President Barack Obama will ask the Congress on Monday for an additional $33 billion in the current 2010 fiscal year to fund a troop increase in Afghanistan, the White House said.


Karzai government invites Taliban to peace meeting

Karzai government invites Taliban to peace meeting

The Afghan government on Thursday invited the Taliban to a peace council as its Western allies worked out plans to try to end the war in Afghanistan.


Afghan commission postpones parliamentary vote

Kabul doesn't have the money necessary to hold a vote. Meanwhile, three U.S. service members are killed in two bombings.


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