Apps, Gadgets | featured news

The Race: Build the Instagram of Video

Facebook's $1 billion acquisition of photo-sharing start-up Instagram has shifted the spotlight to the newest phenomena in mobile apps: uploading personal videos from smartphones.


Windows Phone Passes 80,000 Mobile Applications

As AT&T gets ready to launch a new wave of Windows Phones to the pubic, independent analysis of Microsoft's app store reveals more than 80,000 applications have been submitted.


6 Ways To Create Your Own iOS or Android Apps

Here are six easy, inexpensive DIY solutions for creating apps for iOS and Android devices.


$160 virtual doll iPhone app comes with 'intense sexual content' warning

iPhone Apps

Ranked No. 16 in the iTunes App Store's "Top Grossing Apps" is an app called "Girl With Clothes." Released March 13, we have some inkling about why this app is such an overnight success. It's probably the monster $160 price tag -- though the vague promise of "intense sexual content" probably doesn't hurt, either.

Senh: You know it's just a matter of time. I'm surprised it's taken this long.


Apple hit with Siri suit over what the program can really do

Ever find yourself frustrated with how smoothly Siri seems to work for the folks in Apple’s commercials but not for you? A New York man has filed a class-action suit against Apple, saying that the company has been “misleading and deceptive” about what the iPhone 4S virtual assistant can do.


New Apps Seek to Help Phone Users Track Data Use

As unlimited data plans fade away, services and applications are being designed to help users manage their consumption.


Find Out Here What Popular iPhone/Android Apps Know/Transmit About You

Mobile Apps

Marketers are tracking smartphone users through "apps" - games and other software on their phones. Some apps collect information including location, unique serial-number-like identifiers for the phone, and personal details such as age and sex.


Apple debuts e-book publishing app

Apple Unveils Textbook Publishing App

Apple on Thursday lifted the veil on its plans to remake the educational landscape in a way that centers on its best-selling tablet computer, the iPad. "Education is deep in Apple's DNA and iPad may be our most exciting education product yet," Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of marketing, said in a statement.


Running a country? There's an app for that, almost

Britain's government says experts are considering developing a bespoke iPad app that would deliver key data straight to Prime Minister David Cameron's tablet computer....


Google Currents, Rival to Flipboard, Finally Debuts

Google‘s long-awaited answer to Flipboard, the “social magazine” exclusively on Apple‘s iPad and iPhone, just debuted today. Google Currents offers a similar appearance, except it works on Android devices as well as iPads and iPhones. It’s the latest in a long string of applications, most recently Yahoo‘s Livestand, that seek to turn online content into something resembling print magazines, but without all those dead trees and with 20th century innovations like, say, video.


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