War In Afghanistan, Wars | featured news

9 NATO Members Killed in Afghan Copter Crash

There was no sign of enemy fire, but the incident was under investigation, according to a NATO statement.


U.S. soldiers accused of killing Afghans for sport

U.S. soldiers accused of killing Afghans for sport

Platoon members charged with dismembering and photographing corpses, as well as hoarding a skull and other human bones, Army sources reveal.


Petraeus: July 2011 Drawdown Not Guaranteed

Gen. David Petraeus will not say whether U.S. troops will begin to pull out of Afghanistan next summer as President Obama pledged last year, saying any drawdown will be conditions based.


WikiLeaks set to release more Afghan files

WikiLeaks spokesman Julian Assange says that his organization is preparing to release the remaining 15,000 secret Afghan war documents it has.


6 Americans among 10 charity workers killed in Taliban ambush

The medical team had been providing eye care to villagers in a remote area of northern Afghanistan. Insurgents claim responsibility for one of the worst attacks on civilians in the war.


Pakistan's Zardari says war with Taliban being lost

Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari warned that the international community was losing the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, according to an interview published on Tuesday.


WikiLeaks guilty, at least morally: Robert Gates

WikiLeaks guilty, at least morally: Robert Gates

WikiLeaks is at least morally guilty over the release of classified U.S. documents on the Afghan war, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Sunday, as investigators broaden their probe of the leak.

Senh: I'm all for government transparency, but certain things, like these secret documents from the Afghan War, you just gotta keep safe from other countries.


WikiLeaks founder fires back at Gates

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Friday he was disappointed by criticism from Secretary of Defense Robert Gates over the release of about 75,000 pages of U.S. documents related to the war in Afghanistan.


Evidence Ties Manning to Afghan Leaks

Investigators have found concrete evidence linking Pfc. Bradley Manning with the leak of classified Afghanistan war reports, a defense official said.


House approves $37B for Afghanistan and Iraq war spending

House approves $37B for Afghanistan and Iraq war spending

The House approved Tuesday the spending of an additional $37 billion on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, overcoming the opposition of some congressional Democrats who have concluded that the Afghan conflict is unwinnable.


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