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Facebook: Our Ads Do Too Work-Just Like Any Others-And Here's Data to Prove It

Facebook Ads

Stung by claims in recent weeks that its advertising doesn’t work, Facebook is pouring on the public relations to insist that in fact, ads work just fine on the site. But while some of the claims of critics rest on shaky evidence, many questions about Facebook’s value as an advertising medium remain among the brands that constitute the bulk of all advertising online and off.


Facebook's Problem Is Its Low Click-Through Rate from Ads


In light of Facebook’s disappointing IPO, I'll pull up an article I wrote in February, which said, “... social networks have always been poor at monetizing their traffic, and that hasn’t changed since they gain popularity. Click-thru rates for ads on social networks have always been really low, so they can’t charge nearly as much as Google per pageview. That hasn’t changed since social networks entered the internet landscape and won’t change in the future.”


UBS may have Facebook trading loss of $350 million

UBS Sues Facebook

UBS is sitting on losses that could be as high as $350 million stemming from its investment in the Facebook initial public offering, and is preparing legal action against Nasdaq as a result, people familiar with the matter told CNBC.


Nasdaq plans $40 million in Facebook IPO compensation


Nasdaq OMX Group Inc said it will offer cash and rebates totaling $40 million to compensate clients affected by the problems with Facebook Inc's initial public offering.


Airtime Privacy Concerns: Preventing 'PenisRoulette' By Secretly Taking Your Picture

Airtime, Sean Parker's new social video chatting service for Facebook, launched today with an event that totally unraveled into a complete fiasco. But what might rankle more than a rocky launch is the revelation Airtime will take “snapshots of users periodically to ensure site safety,” according to an Airtime spokesperson quoted in Forbes.


Let’s just agree the bubble has burst

Facebook’s post-IPO performance has been poor. But is it so poor that it will hurt the prospects for other startups? The short answer: Almost certainly.


Facebook mulls lowering age restrictions


Facebook is considering ways to invite children younger than 13 onto its social network, a controversial move that could bolster the company’s bottom line but also spark concern among regulators over the safety of young Internet users.

Senh: That's probably the only way they can continue to grow in the U.S. It's the pressure of being a public company and their disappointing IPO.


Prices of Facebook stock since long-awaited IPO

Although many investors had hoped for a big first-day pop, Facebook's stock opened on May 18 at $42.05 and fluctuated between $45 and $38 throughout the day. It closed barely above its IPO price, at $38.23. Since the IPO, the stock has been down on seven trading days and up on four. Facebook's stock price has gone as low as $26.44 since the IPO.


Facebook's Pay-to-Promote Posts Feature Has Arrived

Facebook's Pay-to-Promote Feature

We've heard rumblings that Facebook was testing a system called Highlight that would allow people to pay to promote a post, and now obnoxiously enough, it's starting to show up.


Facebook’s Stock Falls Below $30 for First Time

Facebook's stock has fallen below $30 for the first time since its much-awaited public debut this month.


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