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Oh, Mitt: those Romney gaffes in full

Mitt Romney

From criticising the biggest sporting event Britain has held in over 40 years, to "looking out of the backside of 10 Downing Street", Mitt Romney's first foreign trip of his presidential candidacy hasn't gone quite as well as he might have hoped. As the former Massachusetts governor continues to gaffe his way across London, here's a round-up of Romney's red-facers. So far.


New Olympic Event: Cameron vs. Romney

Mitt Romney vs. David Cameron

Mitt Romney’s carefully choreographed trip to London caused a stir when he called the British Olympic preparations “disconcerting” and questioned whether Londoners would turn out to support the games.

Senh: Good start, Romney. This, and the anonymous "Anglo-Saxon" remark from campaign, really demonstrates your firm grip on foreign policy.


Britain deploys 1,200 more troops for Olympics

2012 Olympics

Britain's government opted Tuesday to deploy 1,200 more troops to protect Olympic venues -- a move that reflects a lack of confidence that private security contractor G4S can deliver all it promised for the games.


Olympics: Residents may get missiles on rooftops

Some London residents are getting troops and surface-to-air missiles on their rooftops for the Summer Olympics.


Money talks in search for London Olympic hotels

Coming for the Olympics with money to spend? Then there's still time to ensure you can take tea at The Ritz, drink at the Savoy's American bar, or sleep in an Art Deco room at Claridge's....


Travel warning on 2012 hotspots

2012 Olympics Travel Hotspots

Olympics organisers publish a list of hotspots that businesses, Londoners and visitors to the capital should avoid during the Games.


IOC chief happy with London 2012

International Olympic Committee chief Jacques Rogge puts London 2012's readiness for the Games on a par with Sydney 2000 and Beijing 2008.


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