Wars, Libyan War | featured news

NATO Warns Rebels Against Attacking Libyan Civilians

NATO Warns Rebels Against Attacking Libyan Civilians

The coalition has told the rebels that they are no less subject to bombardment by NATO planes than pro-Qaddafi forces if they endanger civilians.


Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret support for Libya rebels

President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday.


Libya's foreign minister defects, friend says

Libya's foreign minister defects, friend says

Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa has defected upon landing in London, a close source to the minister told Reuters on Wednesday.


Obama cites 'responsibility' of U.S. in Libya intervention

Obama cites 'responsibility' of U.S. in Libya intervention

President Obama cast the U.S. military action in Libya in stark strategic and humanitarian terms Monday in an address to the nation.


Nato to take over Libyan operation

Nato to take over Libyan operation

The agreement by alliance ambassadors, meeting on Sunday night in Brussels paves the way for the United States to relinquish its temporary leadership of the operation, ending days of diplomatic wrangling.


US officials: Libya operation could last months

U.S.-led military action in Libya has bolstered rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi's forces, but the international operation could continue for months, the Obama administration says.


Libyan Rebels Advance on Key Oil Refinery at Ras Lanuf

Libyan Rebels Advance on Key Oil Refinery at Ras Lanuf

Libyan rebels pushed past the oil town of Brega on Sunday, moving toward the major refinery at Ras Lanuf in the second day of a counterattack aided by allied airstrikes against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces.


Gates: Intel reports Gaddafi planting dead bodies

Gates: Intel reports Gaddafi planting dead bodies

On Face the Nation, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that intelligence reports Moammar Gaddafi's forces are planting dead bodies to sites attacked by coalition forces.


Libyan Woman Struggles to Tell Media of Her Rape

A woman burst into the hotel housing the foreign press in Tripoli Saturday and fought off security forces as she told journalists that she had been raped and beaten by Qaddafi militia members.


Rebel forces claim victory in key Libyan city

Rebel forces claim victory in key Libyan city

Opposition fighters took control of Ajdabiya overnight after allied fighter jets bombed Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's tanks that were entrenched at the city's gates, according to an opposition spokesman.


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