Economic Stimulus | featured news

Congress Is Divided Over Competing Stimulus Bills

Congress Is Divided Over Competing Stimulus Bills

The House version of the stimulus bill emphasizes helping states and localities avoid wide-scale cuts, while the Senate plan focuses more on tax cuts.


What got cut from stimulus bill

What got cut from stimulus bill

A coalition of Democrats and some Republicans reached a compromise that trimmed billions in spending from an earlier version of the Senate economic stimulus bill.


Stimulus compromise gets one more chance

Stimulus compromise gets one more chance

The U.S. Senate went home Thursday night after hours of sometimes acrimonious work without voting on a massive economic recovery plan championed by President Barack Obama.


Senators Negotiate on Stimulus

Senators Negotiate on Stimulus

Moderates work to slash tens of billions of dollars from bill in hopes of attracting bipartisan support.


Obama urges swift stimulus

Obama urges swift stimulus

President Obama said Thursday that the time for talk on an economic recovery package is over and "the time for action is now.".


Republicans demand changes to stimulus bill

Republicans demand changes to stimulus bill

Senior Republican senators warned on Sunday their party was unlikely to back President Barack Obama's economic stimulus bill without changes to cut waste and to ensure the nearly $900 billion package promptly boosts the faltering U.S. economy.


GOP governors press Congress to pass stimulus

Most Republican governors have broken with their GOP colleagues in Congress and are pushing for passage of President Barack ...


Obama promises plan to cut mortgage costs

Obama promises plan to cut mortgage costs

President Barack Obama promised on Saturday to help lower Americans' mortgage costs with a new plan, coming soon, that would revive the financial system and "get credit flowing again."


'Buy American' provision in stimulus bill makes no economic sense

A requirement that most stimulus-funded projects use only U.S.-made gear and goods is shortsighted, knee-jerk protectionism.


Obama and Congress seek deal on economic stimulus

Republicans in the Senate accepted on Thursday President Barack Obama's offer to search for a compromise on an economic stimulus bill that could end up costing around $900 billion, as long as tax cuts play a large role.


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