Gop | featured news

GOP on health care: Repeal quickly, replace slowly

Health Care Repeal

Congressional Republicans intend to seek quick repeal of any parts of the health care law that survive a widely anticipated Supreme Court ruling, but don't plan to push replacement measures until after the fall elections or perhaps 2013.


Jeb Bush Takes Aim at Fellow Republicans

Jeb Bush

Former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida said his father, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan would find themselves out of step with today’s Republican Party because of its strict adherence to ideology and the intensity of modern partisan warfare.

Senh: I'm glad someone in the Republican Party's calling the party out. Good for you Jeb. Now say it to John Boehner's face. Then you can run for president in 2016.


GOP mood toward Romney's fall prospects brighten

Republicans riding high from a string of breaks in their favor are increasingly optimistic about Mitt Romney's chances to claim the White House in November, even among conservatives who had qualms about making him the party's nominee.


GOP vows to repeal 'Obamacare'

The Republicans warmed up for a major Supreme Court decision today by vowing to repeal President Obama's health care law.


Martin: Cops are American, Mitt

When Mitt Romney sits across from the Fraternal Order of Police to seek their presidential endorsement, I can't wait to hear his reaction to these men and women carrying guns and tasers when they ask him to explain why he doesn't think the nation needs more of them on the streets.


Romney’s conflicting remarks on Solyndra-like investments

Earlier in the week, Romney held a news conference at Solyndra, describing the collapse of that federally backed solar-panel maker as proof that the Obama administration was misguided in trying to create jobs with targeted government investments ... But Massachusetts made similar investments when the presumptive GOP presidential nominee was governor of that state, and a small number of those companies have gone bust.


Romney, Republicans outraise Obama, Democrats in May

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee report raising a combined $76.8 million in May.


Romney iPhone app misspells 'America'

A Better Amercia

It's probably not the kind of thing voters will use to choose the leader of the free world.
But the Web was taking no shortage of presidential potshots Wednesday over Republican candidate Mitt Romney's new mobile app, which embarrassingly misspelled "America." Yes, Internet. Welcome to AMERCIA.


Romney clinches GOP nomination with Texas win

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney has clinched the Republican nomination for president with a win in the Texas primary....


Romney to meet with wealthy Gingrich backer

Mitt Romney is raising money in Las Vegas, where he'll meet with casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who bankrolled a pro-Gingrich group.


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