Natural Disaster | featured news

6.5-magnitude quake, tsunami advisory

Authorities issued a tsunami advisory Monday morning for coastal areas of Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan after a 6.5-magnitude quake struck the region, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.


To rebuild or not? Japan's tsunami coast wonders

Japan is starting to confront years of post-tsunami reconstruction along its northeastern coast, grappling with an estimated 18,000 people dead and  hundreds of thousands left homeless.


7.0-Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Burma

A powerful earthquake struck northeastern Burma on Thursday night, killing one woman and shaking buildings as far away as Bangkok. No tsunami was generated.


World Bank: Japan reconstruction may take 5 years

Japan may need five years to rebuild from the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that has caused up to $235 billion of damage, the World Bank said Monday.


Some progress at Japan reactors as disaster toll rises

Japan hoped power lines restored to its stricken nuclear plant may help solve the world's worst atomic crisis in 25 years, triggered by an earthquake and tsunami that also left more than 21,000 people dead or missing.


Food in Japan contaminated with radiation

Japan confirmed the presence of radioactive iodine contamination in food products from near a crippled nuclear plant and ordered a halt to their sale, the U.N. nuclear body said on Saturday.


Japanese search the rubble for dead before cleanup

Japanese search the rubble for dead before cleanup

A cold wind blowing at her back, Tayo Kitamura knelt beside her mother's body and pressed her palm against the blue plastic tarp rescue workers had just wrapped the corpse in. She leaned in as if to hug the body, then closed her eyes tightly as tears slid down her cheeks.


Japan raises severity of nuclear accident

Japan raises severity of nuclear accident

A top Japanese official acknowledged Friday that the government was overwhelmed by the scale of last week's twin disasters, slowing its response ...


Massive rescue, cleanup efforts underway in Japan

Massive rescue, cleanup efforts underway in Japan

One day after the earthquake and tsunami, search-and-rescue teams are fanning out in what will be a lengthy and complex endeavor.


180 'heroes' fight to keep reactors cool

180 'heroes' fight to keep reactors cool

A small band of experts is risking their lives to prevent a nuclear disaster at Japan's damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant.


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