Science | featured news

Just found: The planet from another galaxy

Scientists have discovered the first planet from another galaxy, sort of. While some 500 planets have been identified in other parts of our galaxy — the Milky Way— none has been reported in other galaxies.


Scientists claim breakthrough in antimatter hunt

Scientists at the world's biggest physics lab say they have achieved a breakthrough in the hunt for antimatter.


Scientists propose one-way trips to Mars

Scientists propose one-way trips to Mars

Invoking the spirit of "Star Trek" in a scholarly article entitled "To Boldly Go," two scientists contend human travel to Mars could happen much more quickly and cheaply if the missions are made one-way. They argue that it would be little different from early settlers to North America, who left Europe with little expectation of return.


Huge Bubbles of Energy Found at Center of Galaxy

Scientists discovered two bubbles of energy erupting from the center of the Milky Way galaxy.


Scientists: Beak deformities increase in Northwest

Scientists: Beak deformities increase in Northwest

Scientists have observed the highest rate of beak abnormalities ever recorded in wild bird populations in Alaska and the Northwest, a study by ...


Scientists turn patches of human skin into blood

Got blood? Future patients who need transfusions for surgery and cancer treatments could get it from a patch of their own skin.


Bitter tastes 'could ease asthma'

Scientists have discovered 'taste receptors' in the lungs - not on the tongue - which could pave the way for new asthma treatments.


100-million-year-old mistake provides snapshot of evolution

Research by University of Leeds plant scientists has uncovered a snapshot of evolution in progress, by tracing how a gene mutation over 100 million years ago led flowers to make male and female parts in different ways.


Dinosaur discoveries shake up sauropod story

Dinosaur discoveries shake up sauropod story

Though they are long gone, the giant plant-eaters can still make some noise, at least among paleontologists. Consider a report of five nearly ...


Stonehenge skeleton came from Mediterranean

Stonehenge skeleton came from Mediterranean

A wealthy young teenager buried near Britain's mysterious Stonehenge monument came from the Mediterranean hundreds of miles away, scientists said Wednesday, proof of the site's importance as a travel destination in prehistoric times.


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