Science | featured news

Japanese spacecraft may have first ever dust from asteroid

Japanese spacecraft may have first ever dust from asteroid

Japanese scientists say they have detected tiny particles collected by the first spacecraft to return to Earth after landing on an asteroid. ...

Senh: I guess the premise for Michael Bay's "Armageddon" wasn't too far-fetched after all.


How far north did early humans go? Really far!

Ancient humans ventured into northern Europe far earlier than previously thought, settling on England's east coast more than 800,000 years ago, scientists said.


Scientists grow a rat lung in the laboratory

Scientists grow a rat lung in the laboratory

It is an early step toward one day building new lungs: Yale University researchers took apart and regrew a rat's lung, and then transplanted ...


Scientists retrieve capsule, seeking asteroid dust

Scientists retrieve capsule, seeking asteroid dust

A team of scientists flew to the Australian Outback on Monday and recovered a Japanese space capsule that they hope contains asteroid samples providing clues into the evolution of the solar system.


Scientists begin 520-day Mars mission simulation

Scientists begin 520-day Mars mission simulation

An international team of researchers on Thursday launched a grueling simulation of a flight to Mars that will keep them locked in a cascade of ...


Study finds link between sun and hurricanes

The calmest sun in a century may rustle up more hurricanes in the season that officially began Tuesday.


Physicists unlock mystery of subatomic particle

Physicists unlock mystery of subatomic particle

European researchers observe for the first time a transformation in neutrinos, evidence that they have mass. It's an important step in understanding the universe's dark matter.


Vatican calls synthetic cell 'interesting'

Vatican calls synthetic cell 'interesting'

The Vatican had praise Saturday for this week's announcement that scientists had created the world's first synthetic cell, calling it an "interesting result" that could help cure disease.


It's alive! Artificial DNA controls life

It's alive! Artificial DNA controls life

It may not quite be "Frankenstein," but for the first time scientists have created an organism controlled by completely human-made DNA.


Why We Exist: Matter Wins Battle Over Antimatter

Why We Exist: Matter Wins Battle Over Antimatter

The seemingly inescapable fact that matter and antimatter particles destroy each other on contact has long puzzled physicists wondering how life, the universe or anything else can exist at all. But new results from a particle accelerator experiment suggest that matter does seem to win in the end.


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