Science | featured news

Rare find: Failed star circling sun-like star

A rare sun-like star that is both young and relatively close to Earth has been found to be harboring an even weirder object - a failed star locked in a close orbit around its host, according to a new study.


Prostate cancer 'cell of origin' identified

Prostate cancer 'cell of origin' identified

For researchers, a key to studying any cancer is finding its "cell of origin." Now scientists at the University of California at Los Angeles say they've found just that -- a specific type of cell that gives rise to prostate cancer.


Asteroid could threaten Earth in 2182

Asteroid could threaten Earth in 2182

A large asteroid in space that has a remote chance of slamming into Earth would most likely hit in 2182, if it crashes into our planet at all, a new study suggests.


Anybody out there? 140 'Earths' found

Scientists celebrated Sunday after finding more than 700 suspected new planets -- including up to 140 similar in size to Earth -- in just six weeks of using a powerful new space observatory.

Senh: I almost thought this had something to do with Twitter.


Scientists find most massive star ever discovered

A huge ball of brightly burning gas drifting through a neighboring galaxy may be the heaviest star ever discovered - hundreds of times more massive than the sun, scientists said Wednesday after working out its weight for the first time.


French scientists crack secrets of Mona Lisa

French scientists crack secrets of Mona Lisa

The enigmatic smile remains a mystery, but French scientists say they have cracked a few secrets of the "Mona Lisa." French researchers studied seven of the Louvre Museum's Leonardo da Vinci paintings, including the "Mona Lisa," to analyze the master's use of successive ultrathin layers of paint and glaze - a technique that gave his works their dreamy quality.


'The chicken came first, not the egg', scientists prove

It’s an age-old puzzle that’s stumped generations of scientists.


Probe sends detailed asteroid images

Probe sends detailed asteroid images

A European space probe headed toward its next target Sunday after sending back detailed images of an asteroid that scientists hope will increase understanding of how the solar system evolved.


Scientists expected Obama administration to be friendlier

Scientists expected Obama administration to be friendlier

A culture of politics trumping science, many say, persists despite the president's promises. The use of potentially toxic dispersants to fight the gulf oil spill is cited as just one example.

When he ran for president, Barack Obama attacked the George W. Bush administration for putting political concerns ahead of science on such issues as climate change and public health.


Scientists Discover Most Powerful HIV Antibody Yet

The latest research puts scientists much closer to finding a HIV vaccine.


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