Secretary Of State | featured news

Kerry: Russia sells missile defense to Syria

Secretary of State John Kerry says the transfer of advanced missile defense systems from Russia to Syria would be a "destabilizing" factor for Israel's security.


Kerry: Pakistan-Afghanistan meetings end ‘on a good track’

After meeting for more three hours here Wednesday with Afghan and Pakistani leaders, Secretary of State John F. Kerry reported progress in relaunching negotiations but warned that “we’re not going to raise expectations or promise results that can’t be delivered.”


Kerry trying to build support for new Israel peace talks

Secretary of State John F. Kerry worked Monday to build support for new Arab-Israeli peace talks that would establish an independent Palestinian state and settle many other old Mideast grievances.


US 'will defend self and S Korea'

The US will defend itself and its "treaty ally" South Korea in the face of North Korean threats, Secretary of State John Kerry says.


Susan Rice as national security adviser? U.N. ambassador said to be front-runner.

Susan Rice

Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations who lost out in a bruising bid for the job of secretary of state, may have the last laugh.


Kerry Hoping to Nudge Egypt Toward Reforms

John Kerry made his first trip to an Arab capital as secretary of state on Saturday, hoping to prod Egyptian politicians to show a measure of political peace and a commitment to economic change.


Kerry scolds Turkish leader for disparaging Zionism

Secretary of State John F. Kerry scolded Turkey’s leader Friday for likening Zionism to a “crime against humanity. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s comment worsened his country’s rift with Israel and further complicated the U.S. relationship with Turkey, a key Muslim ally straddling the Middle East and Europe.


Clinton formally resigns as secretary of state

Hillary Rodham Clinton has formally resigned as America's 67th secretary of state, capping a four-year tenure in the office that saw her shatter previous records for countries visited.


As she leaves, Clinton sounds warning over Syria

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is issuing a parting warning about Iranian involvement in Syria's civil war and the rising threat of a larger regional conflict growing from it.


Clinton says she doesn't see "getting back into politics"

Hillary Clinton

Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday cast doubt on speculation she might run for the White House in 2016.


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