Terrorism | featured news

Reuters: At least 6 killed in attacks in Israel

Israel's military spokesman said Thursday that several attacks have been carried out by assailants.


Teen charged with planning to blow up Tampa school

Tampa police charged a 17-year-old expelled student from Freedom High School with planning to set off an explosive device at the school on the first day of classes next week.


Obama: 'Lone wolf' terror attack biggest concern

President Barack Obama said Tuesday that a "lone wolf" terror attack in the U.S. is more likely than a major coordinated effort like the Sept. 11 attacks nearly a decade ago....


3 arrested for fake bomb found at Phoenix airport

Three African refugees were arrested after what police described as a fake bomb was found in one of their carry-on bags during security screening at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, police said Tuesday.


Insanity ruling not likely in Norway

Insanity ruling not likely in Norway

It's unlikely that the right-wing extremist who admitted killing dozens in Norway last week will be declared legally insane, according to the chief of the Norwegian Board of Forensic Medicine.


Cops: Norway suspect had other targets

The suspect in Norway's July 22 terror attacks has told police he had plans to attack other targets, Norwegian police said Saturday.


Twin Blasts Leave 12 Dead in Iraqi City

Two explosions struck outside a bank in Saddam Hussein’s hometown, as soldiers were lining up to cash paychecks.


Norway PM: Attacks response to be 'more democracy'

Norway's prime minister said Wednesday that the response to twin attacks that have rocked his country will be "more democracy."...


Evidence lacking for link between 9/11 and cancer

Evidence lacking for link between 9/11 and cancer

There is not enough evidence to say whether the dust and smoke cloud produced by the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center caused cancer, federal officials found in a report released on Tuesday.


Norway police slammed for slow response to rampage

Norway police slammed for slow response to rampage

When Anders Behring Breivik launched his assault on the youth campers of Utoya Island, he expected Norway's special forces to swoop down and stop him at any minute....


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