Terrorism | featured news

Streets around White House locked down as security checks suspicious truck

All car and pedestrian traffic has been stopped for several blocks in a perimeter around the White House Wednesday morning as law enforcement inspects a dump ...


Twin suicide car bombings in southern Iraqi city kill 22 near government compound

Suicide bombers detonated two explosives-laden vehicles early Tuesday near a government compound south of Baghdad, killing at least 22 people and wounding dozens, Iraqi officials said. The attacks come as Iraq’s top political factions started to discuss in earnest whether to ask some of the U.S. troops to stay beyond the Dec. 31 withdrawal deadline because of the security situation.


1 person in custody in investigation of suspicious vehicle at Pentagon

One person was taken into custody early Friday after being found near the Pentagon with suspicious materials in his backpack, authorities said.


Lawmakers call on Obama to re-sign Patriot Act, question previous autopen signature

A group of 21 Republican House members, including 10 freshmen, is calling on President Obama to re-sign a measure extending key provisions of the Patriot Act, three weeks after he directed that it be signed into law through the use of an autopen.

Obama was traveling overseas at the time.


Al-Zawahri succeeds bin Laden as al-Qaida leader

Al-Zawahri succeeds bin Laden as al-Qaida leader

Osama bin Laden's longtime deputy Ayman al-Zawahri, a fiery ideologue who is known for his deep hatred of the West and helped plan the 9/11 attacks, has taken control of al-Qaida after the death last month of the terror network's founder, the group said Thursday.

Senh: Look at the scar on his forehead - is that from bullet?


Yemen says military kills 21 al Qaeda members

Yemen's Defense Ministry said the military had killed 21 al Qaeda "terrorists" on Saturday in the southern Abyan province, whose capital, Zinjibar was seized by Islamist militants last month.


Supreme Court tosses out lawsuit accusing John Ashcroft of misusing his power

By an 8-0 vote, the Supreme Court says former Attorney General John Ashcroft did not clearly violate the 4th Amendment right against unreasonable searches and seizures. The case stemmed from the arrest of Abdullah al Kidd, who was held for two weeks, ostensibly so he could serve as a witness in a terrorism trial in Idaho.


Islamic militants extend control over south Yemen town; president accused of allowing them

Hundreds of Islamic militants solidified their control over a town in southern Yemen Sunday after seizing tanks in clashes with fleeing soldiers, military officials said. Opponents of the country’s embattled president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, accused him of allowing the militants to freely seize Zinjibar in a bid to stoke Western fears that al-Qaida would take over the country if he responded to demands by demonstrators to step down.


Hillary Clinton calls on Pakistan to take 'decisive steps' against terrorists

Hillary Clinton calls on Pakistan to take 'decisive steps' against terrorists

Meeting with Pakistani leaders, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the U.S.-Pakistan relationship is at a 'turning point' and that Islamabad needs to ramp up its cooperation in the fight against Al Qaeda militants. Her visit is seen as a fence-mending mission in the wake of the U.S. raid to kill Osama bin Laden, an operation that aggravated mistrust on both sides.


Oil tanker terror hijacks easy, attacks complex

Supertankers the hulking, slow-moving ships that transport half the world's oil have few defenses against terrorist hijackers like those envisioned ...


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