Barack Obama, Economy | featured news

Obama to Propose $100B R&D Tax Credit

President to ask Congress to increase and permanently extend research and development tax credits for businesses in hopes of spurring economic growth ahead of elections, White House official says.


Obama says his economic policies halted "bleeding"

Obama says his economic policies halted

President Barack Obama, previewing a big push on the U.S. economy next week, on Saturday defended policies that he said "have stopped the bleeding" and put the middle class on the road to recovery.


Obama Promises New Economic Proposals Next Week

Obama Promises New Economic Proposals Next Week

In the wake of a new jobs report showing increased unemployment, President Obama today said the steps his administration has taken to improve the economy are working, but not fast enough. He called on Congress to pass a small business bill and said he would announce next week a broader set of ideas to accelerate job creation.


Obama Economic Team Weighing Tax Cuts, Infrastructure Spending To Spur Economy: WSJ

The Obama administration is considering a range of new measures to boost economic growth, including tax cuts and a new nationwide infrastructure program, according to people familiar with the discussions. On the list of possible actions: additional tax cuts for small businesses beyond those included in a $30 billion small-business lending bill before the Senate. It's not clear what those tax breaks would target or how much they might cost in lost revenue to the government.


Minority leader accuses Obama, aides of 'job-killing'

House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio used a speech in Cleveland to blame Obama's spending, tax and regulatory policies for creating uncertainty and stalling economic growth. He also criticized extended jobless benefits and money for states to save the jobs of teachers, police officers and firefighters.


Obama: Housing market still a 'big drag'

President Obama says it will take time for the housing market to recover and that it's a "big drag" on the economy. Obama met with Ohio families to discuss the economy.


Obama Defends Education Policies as Key to Economic Growth

President Barack Obama defended his signature Race to the Top education plan before an audience that included critics who say some of his policies may short change low-income and minority ...


Voters fault Obama on jobs

A majority of Americans believes President Barack Obama has neglected job creation and economic fears are weighing heavily on Democrats ahead of November 2 elections, a Reuters-Ipsos poll found on Tuesday.


Obama slams GOP plan, GOP warns of tax hikes

Obama slams GOP plan, GOP warns of tax hikes

President Barack Obama says an economic plan by the House Republican leader just repeats job-killing policies of the past and would take the country "backward at a time when we need to keep America moving forward."


Buffett warns Obama U.S. economy only halfway back

President Barack Obama heard a sobering message from Warren Buffett when he asked for the investment guru's views about the economic recovery, according to an interview Obama gave NBC News on Thursday.


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