Barack Obama, Economy | featured news

Businesses step up criticism of Obama's agenda

Some business groups, upset about budget and regulatory policies they say are costing jobs, are accusing President Barack Obama of pursuing an agenda that is hurting the U.S. economic recovery.


Business Leader Slams Obama Policies

The chairman of the Business Roundtable sharply criticized the Obama administration's economic policies as impediments to U.S. growth.


Obama Urges G20 Nations to Maintain Stimulus

Obama Urges G20 Nations to Maintain Stimulus

A letter in advance of a G-20 meeting warned of economic relapse if stimulus programs are withdrawn, and hinted that China’s currency remains too weak.


Obama rebukes Republicans for trying to block him

President Barack Obama on Tuesday accused Republicans of trying to score political points by attempting to block his economic policies but insisted that his agenda was working.


Obama hails economy's 3.2% growth rate

Obama hails economy's 3.2% growth rate

President Barack Obama acclaimed a government report on Friday that showed the economy expanded at a 3.2 percent rate in the first quarter, saying it was an "important milepost on the road to recovery."


Report: Health overhaul will increase nation's tab

Report: Health overhaul will increase nation's tab

Government economic forecasters say President Obama's healthcare overhaul will increase the nation's healthcare tab instead of bringing costs down. The report by economic experts at the Department of Health and Human Services, released late Thursday, says the healthcare remake will achieve Obama's aim of expanding coverage.


Obama Calls on Congress to Pass Finance Reform

In his weekly radio and Internet address, President Obama said that Congress needed to enact reforms to protect consumers, keep banks strong and safeguard the U.S. economy.


Wisconsin Billboard Calls for Obama's Ouster

Wisconsin Billboard Calls for Obama's Ouster

Somebody in Wisconsin doesn't like President Barack Obama all that much.

An unnamed company has paid for a billboard along Highway 41 in Oshkosh that reads, "Impeach Obama."

The tagline says: "America's small businesses are failing; help us spread the message."

It was paid for by an unnamed company represented by Tom Wroblewski who told the AP the sentiment


Obama, black organization leaders focus on economy

Obama, black organization leaders focus on economy

President Obama and three prominent African-American leaders grappled Wednesday with how to improve economic opportunities for ...


Obama kicks off first bipartisan leaders meeting

Obama kicks off first bipartisan leaders meeting

President Obama kicked off his latest bipartisan push on Tuesday morning as he met with Democratic and Republican congressional leaders to discuss jobs and the economy.


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