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Hundreds killed in tsunami after 8.9 Japan quake

Hundreds killed in tsunami after 8.9 Japan quake

A ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it swept away boats, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control. Tsunami warnings blanketed the entire Pacific, as far away as South America, Canada, Alaska and the entire U.S. West Coast....


Magnitude 7.2 earthquake hits northern Japan

Magnitude 7.2 earthquake hits northern Japan

A magnitude 7.2 earthquake has hit northern Japan, shaking buildings in Tokyo and prompting the country's meteorological agency to issue a tsunami alert for the northeastern coast. There are no immediate reports of damage or injuries, but officials are still assessing the situation.


Wind-whipped Texas wildfires kill one, burn 110,000 acres

Wind-driven wildfires destroyed nearly 70 homes and burned more than 110,000 acres in West Texas, and gusty conditions threatened to wreak further ...


Amish children swept away by flood

Amish children swept away by flood

Authorities in Kentucky were searching Thursday night for four children from an Amish family who were swept away in a creek swollen by storm waters, state police said.


Flooded Australia city "like war zone"

Flooded Australia city

Floods left parts of Australia's third-biggest city on Thursday looking like a war zone in need of years of reconstruction, the state premier said, while fresh threats loomed with a cyclone forecast offshore.


Floods enter Brisbane, 20,000 homes in danger

Deadly floodwaters that have cut a swath across northeastern Australia flowed onto the streets of the nation's third-largest city Wednesday, forcing people to flee suburbs and skyscrapers as rescuers elsewhere searched for 67 people still missing....


Australia floods sever roads and airports

The authorities in Australia are warning that the flooding in Queensland could last as long as a month as water levels continue to rise in many parts of the state.


Firefighters tame deadly Israel blaze

Widespread fire that has wreaked havoc in Israel could be contained soon, an Israeli public security official said Sunday .


Planes drop food as Indonesia struggles with aid

Planes drop food as Indonesia struggles with aid

Relief planes dropped boxes of dried noodles onto tsunami-ravaged Indonesian islands Friday because storms and a shortage of vessels made helicopter and boat deliveries almost impossible days after the wave killed more than 400 people.


Indonesia disaster toll hits 377 as volcano erupts again

Indonesia's Mount Merapi erupted on Thursday for the second time in a week, blasting vast plumes of ash into the sky, as the death toll from the initial eruption and a tsunami that hit remote western islands reached 377.


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