Libya, North Africa | featured news

White House: Libyan gov't must protect journalists

The White House is urging the Libyan government to refrain from harassing or using violence against journalists, amid reports that four New York Times journalists are missing there.


Gadhafi forces pound rebel stronghold

Moammar Gadhafi's troops pummeled rebel forces Tuesday in the last major city outside their stronghold of Benghazi.


U.S. spy chief sees Gaddafi forces prevailing long-term

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Thursday that the better-equipped forces of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi will over the long term prevail.


Moammar Kadafi denounces Libya's 'traitors' and the West as fighting continues

Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi's speech appears to put to rest rumors reported in some international media that the 68-year-old leader had been considering stepping down.In a defiant speech broadcast early Wednesday, Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi derided opponents who have seized the eastern half of the country as "traitors" and blamed foreigners and Al Qaeda for perpetrating the unrest roiling the North African state he has ruled for more than four decades.


Oil price jumps amid fierce fighting in Libya

Oil price jumps amid fierce fighting in Libya

The crisis in Libya again pushed oil prices higher as the New York Mercantile Exchange opened for trading Monday.


Kadafi forces ambush, push back Libyan rebels

Opposition forces trying to reach Surt, the hometown of Moammar Kadafi, retreat to the desert outpost of Ras Lanuf after a ground and air assault.


Libya moves toward civil war

As Libya moves toward civil war, reports of violence and casualties continue to mount between forces loyal to longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi and rebel fighters who refuse to let up until Gadhafi's rule ends.


Kadafi's forces squelch anti-government protest but fail to seize Libyan rebel stronghold

Kadafi's forces squelch anti-government protest but fail to seize Libyan rebel stronghold

Hundreds of demonstrators call for Moammar Kadafi's downfall in Tripoli but are quickly dispersed by security forces. Rebels continue to hold nearby Zawiya after an assault organized by one of the embattled leader's sons.


Senator: U.S. could train Libyan rebels

Senator: U.S. could train Libyan rebels

If the U.S. military is hesitant to enact a no-fly zone over Libya, the Army is capable of giving the opposition the capacity to use anti-aircraft defenses themselves, Sen. Joe Lieberman suggested Thursday.


Libya government accepts Chavez plan, Venezuela says

The Libyan government has accepted a Venezuelan plan that seeks a negotiated solution to the uprising in the North African country, a spokesman for President Hugo Chavez said on Thursday.



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