2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

NBC objects to Mitt Romney’s ‘history lesson’ ad

A harsh new ad from former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney uses news footage from 1997 to remind voters of then-House speaker Newt Gingrich’s ethics violations. “History Lesson” is unusual in that neither Romney nor Gingrich appears. The entire 30-second spot consists of an NBC News report from Jan. 21, 1997, the day Gingrich was reprimanded by Congress for using tax-exempt money for political purposes and giving the House Ethics Committee false information.


Romney's forceful body language scores in debate

The hands came out of the pockets. The gaze was intense. Mitt Romney leaned confidently into the lectern. Even with the sound turned off, Romney would have stolen Newt Gingrich's debate thunder with a surprisingly commanding and aggressive performance in the latest Florida faceoff, body language experts said Friday.


Romney enters final weekend with lead in Florida GOP primary

After a brief scare, Mitt Romney appears to have reclaimed the advantage in Florida heading into the final weekend of campaigning before Tuesday's presidential primary.


Romney revising disclosures for overseas accounts

A campaign official acknowledged to NBC News that the Romney campaign is revising his financial disclosure forms to report off shore holdings that were not disclosed last year.


Gingrich reveals income, but not how he earned it

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich beat his main GOP presidential rival, Mitt Romney, to the punch by releasing his most recent tax return. But Gingrich still hasn't revealed how he earned most of his $3.1 million.


Ad Watch: Romney goes after Gingrich on foreclosures

Mitt Romney's campaign is running an ad that tries to link Newt Gingrich to the housing foreclosure crisis through his work for Freddie Mac ...


Mitt Romney tries to fire up supporters before Thursday's debate

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney encouraged his supporters to get loud and even storm the gates at Thursday’s debate in Florida, the last nationally televised encounter ahead of a potentially pivotal primary Tuesday.


Rick Santorum thinks pregnancy through rape is God's gift? Seriously?

As a lapsed Catholic turned atheist, a staunch feminist and someone who has a strong general aversion to sleazy, disingenuous men, I was shocked yesterday to find myself feeling something like respect for Rick Santorum, Pope Benedict XVI and Piers Morgan all in the space of three minutes.


Newt Gingrich: Latinos, Blacks Don't Understand 'Key To Future Wealth,' But Asians Do

At the height of his career in Congress, Newt Gingrich used to tell audiences that renewing American civilization was "the central challenge of the rest of our lives." But before Gingrich could deliver his grand new theory of American civilization to the public in a 1993 speech, his deeply divisive racial stereotypes would need to be removed.


Gingrich's Freddie Mac records to be released

Newt Gingrich's former consulting firm released a contract for work done on behalf of Freddie Mac, showing it was paid $25,000 a month in 2006 to provide "consulting and related services."

Senh: Dang, Newt Gingrich got $25,000 a month for consulting. Jeez, no wonder a lot of these politicians are filthy rich.


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