2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

Romney opens 21-point lead in South Carolina: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Mitt Romney: South Carolina

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has opened a wide lead over his rivals in the South Carolina primary election race, trouncing Newt Gingrich and gaining momentum in his march toward the party's nomination, a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows.


Conservative Religious Leaders, Seeking Unity, Vote to Back Rick Santorum

A meeting of more than 100 conservative Christian leaders voted on Saturday to support Rick Santorum’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination.


Gingrich to super PAC: Fix negative ad or take It down

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on Friday called on a well-heeled outside group supporting his candidacy to correct the inaccuracies in a half-hour film highly critical of GOP front-runner Mitt Romney's career as a venture capitalist or "pull it off the air and off the internet entirely."


The ridiculous things presidential candidates want you to believe about jobs

Job Creation Switch

Mitt Romney’s campaign would have you believe that every job lost over the past three years is President Obama’s fault. That includes the 820,000 jobs lost in January 2009, despite the fact that Obama didn’t become president until the 20th of the month. It includes the 726,000 jobs lost in February 2009, before any of Obama’s policies had gone into effect.


George W. and Laura Bush wanted Jeb to run

Laura Bush told a Florida audience that she and former president George W. Bush wanted his brother Jeb to run for president this year.


In South Carolina, Romney defends record at equity firm Bain

Mitt Romney

Republican front-runner Mitt Romney defended his leadership on Thursday of a private equity firm at the center of a raging campaign battle in South Carolina over whether while its chief executive he was a job killer.


Perry loses key SC backer after attack on Romney

Rick Perry

Presidential candidate Rick Perry's criticism of Mitt Romney's business past had a boomerang effect Thursday, costing him the support of a prominent Republican in South Carolina. Investment fund executive and top GOP donor Barry Wynn told The Associated Press he was leaving the Perry fold to endorse Romney, the former Massachusetts governor. Wynn said Perry's attacks on Romney's time at the helm of the private equity firm Bain Capital had crossed the line in a political party that values free-market capitalism.


Mitt Romney wins New Hampshire GOP primary

New Hampshire GOP Primary

Mitt Romney rolled to an easy victory Tuesday in the New Hampshire primary, taking a broad stride toward capturing the GOP presidential nomination as the contest heads south for a pair of potentially make-or-break contests.


After New Hampshire’s 2012 primary, Mitt Romney may face long, hard slog

Mitt Romney is poised to clock an easy victory here Tuesday, accomplishing a historic feat by winning back-to-back contests here and in Iowa and putting himself on a glide path to his party’s nomination. The trouble for Romney is, his rivals don’t quite see things that way.


On home turf of New Hampshire, expectations for Romney are high

Mitt Romney: New Hampshire Primary

No matter what happens in the New Hampshire primary Tuesday, Mitt Romney should be grateful that his opponents didn’t force him to play the expectations game. All available evidence suggests that Romney, with twice the support of his nearest rival in the latest polls, will roll to a solid victory.


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