California | featured news

California Meteor Found Packed With Alien Organics


A sonic boom heard in California last week had an out-of-this world origin as ”a large meteoric event” according to NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office. Scientists now estimate the blast measured in near 5 kilotons or roughly 1/3 the power of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan during World War II. Bill Cooke of the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, estimates the object was about the size of a minivan, weighed in at around 154,300 pounds.


Student left in cell for 4 days files $20M claim

Daniel Chong, a San Diego student left in a Drug Enforcement Administration holding cell for nearly five days after he was allegedly forgotten about, has filed a claim for $20 million.


2 farms quarantined in mad cow inquiry

Mad Cow Disease

Two farms have been quarantined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as the agency continues to investigate last month's discovery of mad cow disease at a California dairy farm.


Calif. lab worker dies after meningitis infection

A 25-year-old laboratory researcher has died after becoming infected with meningitis bacteria at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, health officials said Wednesday.


Calif. Man Forgotten in Cell Says He Drank Urine


A San Diego college student who federal drug agents forgot and left in a holding cell for five days without food, water or access to a toilet said Tuesday that he drank his own urine to survive.


Collision suspected in yacht mishap that killed 3

Yacht Accident

A yacht racing off the coasts of California and Mexico apparently collided at night with a much larger vessel, leaving three crew members dead and one missing, a sailing organization said early Sunday. It was the state's second ocean racing tragedy this month....


Riots claimed 200 liquor stores, but South L.A. still suffers

LA Riots

Three days of violence accomplished what years of protests could not against the pockets of intoxication and crime. Some lots remain vacant and others have been reborn as businesses, but problems linger.


Quick response averts market scare in mad cow case

The announcement that mad cow disease was spotted in a California cow drew a rapid response this week from the beleaguered American beef industry, which has been enduring one crisis after another for more than a year....


'World's rudest' restaurant shuts after 100 years

World's Rudest Restaurant

Heartbroken customers lined up for meal at a closing San Francisco institution — a 100-year-old Chinese restaurant once known for having "the world's rudest waiter."


Prisons to block use of smuggled phones

Smuggled Phones

Global Tel Link, which supplies state lockups with pay phones, will install technology to disable cellphones, which have been used by inmates to run criminal enterprises, intimidate witnesses and organize attacks on guards. A private company has agreed to pay millions to install technology in California prisons to block Web searches, text messages and phone calls by inmates using smuggled phones.


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