House Of Representatives | featured news

GOP chairman calls on Anthony Weiner to resign

The chairman of the Republican National Committee on Tuesday called for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign from Congress, saying no investigation was necessary "to know he lied and acted inappropriately."


Democrats call for ethics probe of Weiner scandal

Top congressional Democrats are calling for an ethics investigation - and the truth - about whether scandalized New York Rep. Anthony Weiner broke any rules or used government resources to send lewd pictures over the Internet....


Rep. Weiner admits tweeting lewd photo, lying

Rep. Weiner admits tweeting lewd photo, lying

Rep. Anthony Weiner apologized for falsely claiming that his Twitter account was hacked after a lewd photo showed up. The New York Democrat said he's not resigning.


Kelly, Giffords reunite, hold hands for 2 hours

Endeavour commander Mark Kelly and wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords reunited Thursday evening after more than two weeks apart and they weren't ...


More hints of likely Bachmann run for president

Rep. Michele Bachmann plans to participate in a presidential debate in New Hampshire this month, a move that further signals the Minnesota Republican expects to be a candidate for the 2012 nomination.


NY rep hires lawyer after Twitter account hacked

NY rep hires lawyer after Twitter account hacked

New York Rep. Anthony Weiner has hired a lawyer to investigate what steps to take regarding a lewd photo sent from his hacked Twitter account.


Surprise Victory in N.Y. Gives House Democrats Hope in 2012

After Democrats won a special election dominated by Medicare, analysts predict a more competitive race next year for control of the House.


House Democrats urge limits on oil speculators

House Democrats urge limits on oil speculators

Congress should take steps to limit speculation in oil markets, which has boosted prices as much as 30 percent, a new report from the Democratic staff of a House of Representatives oversight committee said on Monday.


Reid rejects Boehner proposal for $2 trillion in spending cuts

The Senate majority leader says budget reductions must be accompanied by tax reform. He predicts that negotiations on the nation's debt limit will drag until the 11th hour. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says tax loopholes must be addressed ...


Gabrielle Giffords 'Recovering Well' After Surgery To Repair Skull

Doctors repaired Gabrielle Giffords' skull on Wednesday, the latest milestone in her recovery from an assassination attempt and a procedure that experts say will improve her quality of life.


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