House Of Representatives | featured news

Hoyer: Odds of government shutdown have increased over past two weeks

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Tuesday said that he was “very concerned” about the status of negotiations on keeping the federal government funded past an April 8 deadline, saying that prospects for a government shutdown have increased since two weeks ago.


Michele Bachmann says she'll make a decision on presidential run by summer

CNN reports that Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann will form a presidential exploratory committee this summer, and the Minnesota Republican does not deny the report. 'It could be before then,' she says in Iowa, where she's courting local political activists.Minnesota Rep.


House passes a 3-week stopgap spending bill

House passes a 3-week stopgap spending bill

The House passed the second stopgap spending measure this month, funding the government for three more weeks while cutting $6 billion.


Doctors Detail Giffords’s Progress

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is “making leaps and bounds” in her neurological recovery, doctors said Friday.


House moves to end unpopular new business tax rule

An unpopular tax filing requirement for businesses that was included in the new health care law would be repealed under a bill headed for a vote in the House Thursday....


House Passes Budget Measure to Avert Shutdown

House Passes Budget Measure to Avert Shutdown

In a bipartisan vote of 335 to 91, Congress passed a measure that cuts $4 billion in federal spending, but it is good only until March 18.


House aims to deny Obama healthcare law funding

House aims to deny Obama healthcare law funding

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives was expected to vote on Friday to choke off funds to carry out President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law, intensifying a fight with Democrats over budget cuts and burgeoning deficits.


House votes to overturn FCC Internet rules

The House of Representatives voted on Thursday to overturn proposed rules that bar Internet service providers from blocking legal content but give some discretion to ration access for bandwidth hogs.


City Room: New York Congressman Resigns Over Web Posting

City Room: New York Congressman Resigns Over Web Posting

Representative Chris Lee of New York, who reportedly sent a shirtless photo to a woman on the Internet, has stepped down, according to a senior Congressional official.

Senh: Another sex scandal. On Craigslist. The photo is not bad at all. It's just that he's married.


Republicans: Halt taxpayer aid for Fannie, Freddie

House Republicans say it is time to end a costly federal bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that has already cost taxpayers $150 billion.


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