House Of Representatives | featured news

Aide: Giffords can speak

Aide: Giffords can speak

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, recovering from a gunshot wound to the head, is able to speak, her spokesman says. She asked for a piece of toast, said C.J. Karamargin.


House GOP leaders release list of spending cuts

The proposed reductions fall short of the $100 billion in cuts Republicans campaigned for last fall but represent substantial hits to various programs including law enforcement, NASA, the EPA and arts funds.


Report: Rep. Jane Harman to join Wilson Center

Several news organizations are reporting that veteran Rep. Jane Harman, a California Democrat, is about to leave Congress to become head of a prominent foreign policy think tank. Harman is telling supporters via e-mail that she is leaving the U.S. House to become president of the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars.


House Republicans go easy on cuts for Congress

Republicans now running the House are barely touching Congress' generous own budget even as they take a cleaver to many domestic agencies....


House Republicans seek $32 billion in spending cuts

House Republicans seek $32 billion in spending cuts

Republican leaders in the House of Representatives will seek $32 billion in spending cuts from current levels this year as part of an effort to reduce a forecasted $1.5 trillion deficit.


Giffords' condition upgraded to good

Doctors for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords have upgraded her condition from serious to good, and said she may be transferred to a nearby rehabilitation hospital Wednesday morning.


House backs repeal of Obama healthcare law

House backs repeal of Obama healthcare law

The Republican-led House of Representatives passed legislation that would repeal President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare reform law on Wednesday in a mostly symbolic move likely to be scuttled in the Senate.


House set for health care repeal vote

GOP House leaders plan a vote on a repeal of President Obama's health care overhaul this week, fulfilling a campaign promise and setting up a clash with Democrats.


Husband: Giffords smiled and gave him neck rub

Husband: Giffords smiled and gave him neck rub

The husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords says his wife's condition has improved so much that she has been able to smile and give him a neck rub as he has kept a near-constant vigil at her hospital bedside....


Shooting victim Gabrielle Giffords can move both sides of body

A friend of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, critically injured in the Tucson shootings, says she's 'making progress every day.' Funerals for those killed in the rampage continue today.U.S. Rep.


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