House Of Representatives | featured news

APNewsBreak: Giffords set to undergo skull surgery

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords will undergo surgery on Wednesday to replace a piece of her skull removed by doctors after she was shot in January. The surgery was confirmed to The Associated Press by a person familiar with Giffords' care.


Boehner demands trillions in cuts in exchange for debt vote

The House speaker takes a hard line on increasing the nation's borrowing limit. A top Democrat says he's 'playing with fire.' House Speaker John A. Boehner said Monday that Republicans wanted trillions in budget cuts in exchange for their vote to increase the nation's borrowing limit and avoid default, adopting a hard line on the party's position in a speech before major players on Wall Street.


Republican Ron Paul to explore presidential run

Representative Ron Paul, who ran for president in 2008, said on Monday he will form an exploratory committee to consider pursuing the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.


Gabrielle Giffords' return to public arena to spark new talk about her political future

Gabrielle Giffords' return to public arena to spark new talk about her political future

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords plans to attend the launch of the space shuttle Endeavour Friday -- a reentry into the public sphere that will likely kick off a fresh round of speculation about the Arizona Democrat's political future.


Report: Obama deficit plan 'falls short' of fiscal commission, House GOP targets

President Obama's deficit-reduction plan “falls short” of targets set by House Republicans and Obama's own fiscal commission and would be unlikely to stabilize borrowing, according to a new independent ...


US Senate Kills House Bills Targeting Health Law, Planned Parenthood

The Democratic-run US Senate defeated measures approved by the Republican-run House to bar spending government funds for the health-care overhaul law and Planned Parenthood.


Congress set to vote on budget-cutting plan

In the run-up to a vote, Speaker John Boehner predicted Thursday a $38 billion package of spending cuts would clear the House with a bipartisan majority and said it marks a first step in a longer Republican campaign to rein in federal deficits


Boehner wants to pass spending cuts with GOP alone

Sometimes in politics and legislation, whether you win is less important than how you win....


Intern says he's talked with Giffords by phone

The man who won praise for going to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords aid immediately after she was shot says he has spoken to the injured congresswoman several times on the phone and is amazed by her recovery....


House votes to kill main Obama foreclosure aid

House votes to kill main Obama foreclosure aid

The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to kill President Barack Obama's signature program to help struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure.


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