House Of Representatives | featured news

Rep. Giffords No Longer Needs Respirator

Rep.Gabrielle Giffords takes another step in her recovery after last week's shooting as doctors remove her breathing tube since she no longer requires a precautionary respirator 'Confidence' in Giffords' RecoveryPhotos Surface of Loughner Naked With GunFull Coverage:


Congresswoman raises 2 fingers, gives thumbs-up

Congresswoman raises 2 fingers, gives thumbs-up

Doctors treating Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords said Monday the congresswoman was responding to verbal commands by raising two fingers of her left hand and even managed to give a thumbs-up....


Arizona shootings: Jared Loughner accused of murder, attempted murder

Arizona shootings: Jared Loughner accused of murder, attempted murder

Arizona authorities file formal charges against suspect Jared Loughner in the shooting rampage that targeted U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The congresswoman is in critical condition, although doctors are upbeat about her prognosis. An earlier 'person of interest' had no involvement in the shootings, authorities say.Authorities on Sunday formally accused Jared Lee Loughner of murder and attempted murder of federal employees in connection with the Arizona shooting rampage that left six people dead and 14 injured, including the critically wounded U.S. Rep.


Doctors remain hopeful for Gabrielle Giffords

Arizona Congressman Gabrielle Giffords responds to simple commands after brain surgery, but a trauma specialist, while cautiously optimistic, says she still has a long way to go.Arizona Rep.


Congresswoman shot in Tucson

Congresswoman shot in Tucson

U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was among at least 12 people shot today at a Tuscon, Arizona, grocery store, a Democratic source told CNN's Dana Bash.


House votes to bring healthcare repeal to floor for debate

House votes to bring healthcare repeal to floor for debate

The House of Representatives on Friday votes to bring the repeal of the healthcare overhaul to the floor for formal debate. A new poll shows that Americans slightly supported overturning one of the signature efforts of President Obama's administration.


Healthcare law repeal hurts deficits: CBO

An effort by Republicans in the House of Representatives to repeal the healthcare law enacted last year would add to already huge federal budget deficits, the Congressional Budget Office warned on Thursday.


Boehner gets enough votes to become House speaker

Republican John Boehner got enough votes on Wednesday to become the new speaker of the House of Representatives, replacing Democrat Nancy Pelosi.


Senate Dems vow to block health care repeal

Senate Dems vow to block health care repeal

Top Senate Democrats are warning House Speaker-elect John Boehner they'll block any Republican effort to repeal President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.


Upton: Undoing health law no. 1 concern

Upton: Undoing health law no. 1 concern

House Republicans plan to bring up a vote to repeal the health-care overhaul early in the new Congress that opens Wednesday, at least before President Obama delivers his State of the Union address later this month, a key Republican lawmaker said Sunday.


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