Trial | featured news

Amanda Knox Family: DNA Testimony Puts Her 'Closer to Freedom'

Amanda Knox Family: DNA Testimony Puts Her 'Closer to Freedom'

The family of Amanda Knox said that testimony today by DNA experts at the appeal of her Italian murder conviction was "huge" and put the American exchange student "another day closer to freedom."


Could Strauss-Kahn’s NY case include French writer’s claim? Maybe, but NY law limits prospects

If the New York sexual assault case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn ever goes to trial, much will doubtless be made of his accuser’s background. But what about his? Since his New York arrest, a French writer has brought a criminal complaint in Paris about an attempted rape she says she suffered at Strauss-Kahn’s hands in 2003. The New York prosecutors made an apparent allusion to her claim at Strauss-Kahn’s first court appearance in May.


Judge declares mistrial in Clemens perjury case

A judge declared a mistrial on Thursday in the perjury trial of baseball pitching great Roger Clemens because the lead prosecutor gave jurors information that had been barred from the courtroom.


Prosecutors: Needles had Clemens DNA, steroids

Prosecutors: Needles had Clemens DNA, steroids

Prosecutors say needles and cotton balls that Roger Clemens' former trainer says he used to inject the star pitcher in the middle of his career tested positive for Clemens' DNA and anabolic steroids.


Witness tampering alleged at Casey Anthony trial

Authorities were looking into allegations of witness tampering during Casey Anthony's murder trial, a Florida sheriff said Tuesday during a wide-ranging news conference with his top investigators in what he said was an effort to bring closure to a case that polarized the country....


Assange to fight extradition in sex case

WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange will begin his appeal Tuesday against extradition to Sweden from the United Kingdom to face questioning on sex charges.


Casey Anthony verdict could haunt jurors

Jurors who acquitted Casey Anthony of murdering her 2-year-old daughter are likely to be confronted with their unpopular decision by their families, co-workers and neighbors for years ...


Casey Anthony to get more jail, but could be out soon

Casey Anthony to get more jail, but could be out soon

A Florida judge on Thursday sentenced Casey Anthony to four years in jail for lying to police, but said after credit for the nearly three years she already served she could be out of jail by late this month or early August.


Judge raps Congress for keeping Clemens recording

A federal judge has angrily criticized Congress for withholding an audio recording that lawyers want for the trial of pitching great Roger Clemens.


Casey Anthony could go free after 3 years in jail

A case that involved years of forensic investigation, weeks of often highly technical testimony and untold hours of media analysis turned out to be pretty straightforward for the jurors weighing whether Casey Anthony killed her toddler daughter.


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