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Scientists use Twitter to study mood swings through the day: Sure enough, weekends are happier

Twitter confirms it: People tend to wake up in a good mood and are happiest on weekends. The fast-paced forum is offering scientists a peek at real-time, presumably little-filtered human behavior and thoughts. Cornell University researchers turned to the microblog to study mood and found a pretty consistent pattern.


Q: Why are Zynga profits down 95%?

Q: Why are Zynga profits down 95%?

Here, direct from the S-1, is the figure that matters more. Operating income in the most recent quarter declined year over year from $13.4 million to $13 million – not the big 95% drop reported in the news.


Google+ opens up, traffic rockets 1200+ percent

Google+ opens up, traffic rockets 1200+ percent

Reports of Google+'s demise may have been greatly exaggerated, as the upstart social network exploded in traffic last week after the service opened up to the masses.

Senh: Let's see if people stick around. My hunch is that they won't. If you can't get early adopters to stick around, how can you get the general masses to do it?




Long time no blog. Even I wasn’t expecting this long of a hiatus, but maintaining two sites does take a lot of time. I’ve made some minor tweaks to Wopular, but most of my work lately has been focused on Here’s what Binh and I have done to promote the site since launching it a couple months ago.


Google+ opens service to everyone

Google+ opens service to everyone

Google+ is being opened up for anyone to join after two-and-a-half months is closed testing.

Senh: Dead on arrival. My account is already as dead as Buzz. It is a nice product. It's just that anyone who's not a tech geek would rather just stick with Facebook. And all those people who tried it are going back to Facebook because that's where all the action is.


Google Drops Products, Narrows Focus

Google said it will discontinue several products, as the Internet giant narrows its focus and doubles down on new efforts, including its Google+ social networking service, under CEO Larry Page.


Pandora Slides; Report Facebook To Launch Music Service

Pandora Slides; Report Facebook To Launch Music Service

Pandora shares are trading sharply lower Wednesday after CNBC reported that Facebook plans to unveil plans for a rival online music service at the upcoming F8 developers conference on September 22. My colleague Nicole Perlroth notes this morning that Facebook is expected to unveil integration partnerships with the online music services Spotify, MOG and RDIO. ...


LinkedIn Page Views Head North On New Features, Mobile Apps

The newest addition to LinkedIn's growing features list is 'apply with LinkedIn,' a web plug-in that allows job seekers to directly contact employers.


Facebook changes privacy settings

Facebook has announced a major revamp of how users control their privacy on the site. Among the changes, items posted online will each have their own sharing settings determining who can see them. It is the latest in a long line of attempts by Facebook to streamline how members manage their personal information.


2 jailed for inciting riots via social media

2 jailed for inciting riots via social media

Two men have been jailed for four years each in northwest England for inciting disorder via social networking sites as rioting and looting erupted in London and other cities last week, police said Tuesday.


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