Social Media, Social Networking | featured news

How To Use Twitter To Bypass The Vegas Taxi Line

Finally, Twitter has a significant use. It allows you to bypass the endless taxi line at the McCarren airport in Vegas so you can lose money quicker!


Digg Chief Architect Joe Stump Teams With Social Thing’s Matt Galligan To Found Crash Corp.

It must be something in the air. Spring perhaps. But when high level employees start to leave perfectly good startups before a liquidity event, there's usually something pretty important that they think they need to work on.


Tweetmeme Is Getting Freakin’ Awesome

Tweetmeme is on a tear. According to Compete, the Twitter-centric link tracker went from nowhere in February, 2009 (with 26,000 unique visitors) to more than tenfold increase in March (to 385,000 uniques). Nick Halstead, The CEO of UK-based, the company behind Tweetmeme, tells me he is tracking closer to 200,000 uniques a month based on yesterday's visitors, but that he is adding 50 percent a week.


Study: Retailers Shift Marketing Dollars Towards Social Media

Although many retailers are reducing their online marketing budgets, spending on social media is falling at a slower rate than spending in other online marketing channels.


It's Political: Sarah Palin Joins Twitter

It's happened: America's favorite Tina Fey character - Sarah Palin, former Republican Vice Presidential nominee - has joined Twitter. With the handle AKGovSarahPalin, Palin jumped on the social phenomena the other day and has started posting things like Alaska's swine flu status and her staff being misquoted.


Hacker: I Broke Into Twitter

Hacker: I Broke Into Twitter

A French hacker posts 13 screenshots of a Twitter product manager's admin interface to prove the claim.


Microsoft goes social

The software giant thinks it can make money in social networking the old-fashioned way - charging subscription fees.


Facebook To Let Others Play In Its Stream

Seeing the explosion in growth of Twitter right now, it's pretty clear that the hot trend on the web is to have a service which acts as a central hub for information, and allows third party sites and services to built on top of it.


Blogs, tweets, Facebook help extend reach for small business

Charter reservations are sailing in for Free Spirit Yacht Cruises this year despite the turbulent economy, and co-owner Angela Motola-Donofrio attributes it to a social media push.


Travelers are turning to Twitter for tips, deals

The micro-blogging, social-networking site is full of travel deals, insider tips, news and useful information.


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