Democrats, Congressional Elections | featured news

First lady, Pelosi rally party as election nears

A week before the midterm elections, Michelle Obama said Monday that the race for the congressional majority is "too close" and voters must recapture the energy that swept her husband and fellow Democrats to power in 2008.


Gay voters angry at Democrats could sway election

Kate Coatar is seriously considering voting for Green Party candidates instead of Democrats, whom she normally supports. James Wyatt won't cast a ballot at all because he no longer trusts anyone to fight for causes important to him.


Obama dazzles Democratic crowds but is it enough?

Obama dazzles Democratic crowds but is it enough?

President Barack Obama, dashing through the U.S. West to campaign for endangered Democrats, proved he still has plenty of star power but it's far from clear that's enough to rescue his party from an election disaster.


Obama courts women voters on West Coast tour

Obama courts women voters on West Coast tour

President Barack Obama will aim his economic message at women voters as he campaigns on the West Coast for two female candidates crucial to Democrats' chances of keeping their fragile majority in the U.S. Senate.


Obama and Democrats count on Senate wins out West

Obama and Democrats count on Senate wins out West

With Republicans headed to big election gains on November 2, Democrats are counting on the liberal-leaning West Coast to counter the national trend and help them preserve their fragile Senate majority.


Pelosi Renounced by Candidates in Her Own Party

Some Democrats are opening up a new front in their fight to save their seats — against Nancy Pelosi, a party leader.


Democrats gaining a foothold on well-heeled Republicans, polls show

Democrats in Connecticut and New York are reasserting their traditional edge over GOP candidates who just weeks ago were making it a tight race. There's more: Democrats have made gains in Washington, Delaware and California, and could retain their seats in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Nevada.


Some House Democrats may hold ground against Republican wave

In conservative districts around the U.S., Democratic incumbents are fighting back and beginning to reverse declining poll numbers. Their efforts could blunt the predicted GOP gains next month.


Democrats reluctant to campaign with Obama

Democrats reluctant to campaign with Obama

Party members who are up for reelection are happy to benefit from the president's fundraising abilities, but most are keeping their distance as his job approval rating has fallen. President Obama has hardly avoided the campaign trail this year, appearing across the country to raise money for candidates and urge supporters to get out to the polls in November.


Obama wades into fight for his old Senate seat

President Barack Obama threw his weight behind a Democratic bid to save his old Senate seat on Thursday as he sought to rally his party less than four weeks before elections that threaten its grip on ...


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