Gop, 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

Pawlenty endorses Romney in GOP race

Pawlenty endorses Romney in GOP race

Vanquished Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty endorsed contender Mitt Romney on Monday, calling the former Massachusetts governor the candidate who "possesses the unique qualifications to confront our severe economic predicament."


Florida set for big role in GOP presidential race

Florida set for big role in GOP presidential race

Take a breather, Iowa and New Hampshire. Florida is about to get into the Republican presidential race - big-time. Florida is about to get into the Republican presidential race big time, starting with a televised debate Monday in Tampa and ending with an early primary in 2012 that conceivably could wrap up the nomination.


GOP race picks up pace with debates

The 2012 race for the White House begins in earnest Wednesday with the first of three Republican presidential debates scheduled for this month, with others slated before the end of the year.


Rick Perry moves ahead of Mitt Romney in race for GOP nomination in new poll

Rick Perry moves ahead of Mitt Romney in race for GOP nomination in new poll

Aided by strong tea party support, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has surged in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, pushing former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney into second place and significantly diminishing the once-rising star of Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.


Texas wildfires could keep Perry from GOP debate

Texas Gov. Rick Perry wouldn't say today whether he's going to participate in the GOP presidential debate tomorrow, citing the "fluid" situation ...


Mitt Romney to unveil jobs plan

Mitt Romney to unveil jobs plan

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will unveil his jobs plan in Las Vegas on Tuesday, the latest among Republican presidential hopefuls to come out with a proposal to grow the economy and boost employment.


Bachmann campaign chief, deputy leave top roles

Bachmann campaign chief, deputy leave top roles

Republican presidential contender Michele Bachmann lost her campaign chief Monday, along with his close deputy, in a campaign shake-up that the Minnesota congresswoman's aides sought to downplay.


5 GOP candidates compete at S.C. forum

Five of the Republican Party's leading presidential contenders traveled to South Carolina on Labor Day to kiss the ring of tea party kingmaker Jim DeMint at a first-of-its-kind forum devoted to the Constitution and the role of government.


The Caucus: Romney Plays Down Divisions Between Tea Party and G.O.P.

Former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts told supporters that the gap between the Tea Party and traditional Republicans was not as wide as many people seem to believe.


Tea party bulling its way into 2012 GOP race

Bulling its way into 2012, the tea party is shaping the race for the GOP presidential nomination as candidates parrot the movement's language and promote its agenda while jostling to win its favor.


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